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Chapter 1

The cool wind blew on my face, it was a hot day but the wind made me feel like I was in a dream, if only this was all a dream and I would soon wake up in my bed with my parents in the other room. 

“Pandora” My brother said growing inpatient with me “We have to go it’s getting late and the Soul Takers will be out soon”

“Just a minute there’s a good piece of meat right there” I whispered as I put my finger to my mouth gesturing to be quiet.

“You’ll never hit that deer” He whispered rolling his eyes at me.

“That’s what you think” I said smiling at him then putting my full attention on the deer who was eating a leaf off a near by tree. I pulled out my rifle and studied the deer’s head very closely. A year ago I would have never been able to kill anything but I guess when food gets scarce you will do anything to get some.

“Hurry up” Bram said once again getting impatient.

“Well I wouldn’t be doing this if you had caught anything yourself” I snapped back at him “Now shut up”

“Fine” He shrugged.

I once again focused all my attention on the deer that looked quite happy, I hope it doesn’t hurt when it dies. Quick and painless is the best option.

I pulled the trigger.


The deer fell down dead, in no pain. The blood flowed out of the deer quite quickly like a river.

“You got lucky” Bram shrugged before we both stood up and walked over to the dead deer.

“Help me get it onto my motorbike” I said as I picked the deer’s front legs. Bram stood not moving his eyes in terror “What is it?”

I turned around to see a Soul Taker standing right behind me, when the hell did he get there. “Bram?” I said not taking my eyes of the Soul Taker “Do something” Only Bram made no movement, great I guess I’ll have to kill it.

The Soul Taker looked right at me, his pointy teeth were showing and I new if I didn’t pull out my rifle from my back I would most likely die Painfully or become a Soul Taker myself, there is nothing worse then that.

There are two kinds of Soul Takers the civilized ones that only drink when they have to and still have common sense and all that shit and then there’s the Broken Soul Takers that are full of greed when it comes to blood. This Soul Taker looked like a Broken as its face was covered in blood and eyes where glowing red.

I quickly pulled out my gun as the monster leaped towards me; I moved out of the way but its claws scratched my arm. I quickly charged up the gun before firing like mad at the Broken.

The Broken fell back every time I shot until it fell onto the deer and turned into dust.

I looked at Bram who still looked frightened, what a cry baby.

“Come on we have to get home, we’ll have to leave the deer here” I said standing up from the dusty floor.

“Okay” Bram said quietly, getting onto his motorbike and driving away before I even had a chance to say anything else. What is his problem; we’re okay nobody died except for the loser of a Broken who scratched me.

I looked down at my scratch it was bleeding like mad, if I don’t wrap it up the rest of the gang of Brokens will track me.

I ripped the bottom of my top and wrapped the bleeding wound then quickly stepped onto my motorbike and got the hell out of this place.


“Pandora” My two little sisters said as they came running up to me as I entered the door of the house “We thought you were dead”

“No chance in that, if anyone was to die it would be your scardy cat brother” I said winking at Bram as he looked over from the couch where he was sitting and talking with Neona.

“Look I’m sorry I didn’t do anything” He said raising his voice.

“Just don’t make a habit of it” I said as walked over to the kitchen, for a drink of water.

“The Broken was Rob” Bram said looked at me worried.

“Rob as in your best friend in junior high” I Said pouring the water jug but nothing came out.

“Yes” He said quietly.

“Okay who used all the water up, we just got it yesterday” I said dropping the jug on the table.

The twins looked at me then ran away.

“Girls get back here” I said sternly.

“Give them a break” Bram said rolling his eyes.

“Give them a break? I don’t think you have realized that its getting harder to find water that doesn’t contain radiation and someone has to be the boss around here or no one would do anything” I said storming away into my bed room, so this is basically what we have been doing for a year now, fighting with each other and trying to survive.

My bedroom was the biggest in the house and what I would say the most tasteful in my eyes. My bed lay in the left corner of the room with a big green throw rug on the top, the other side of the room was where my wardrobe sat which had my guns resting on it, the walls were purple as for the floor it was the same through the whole house white marble that kept us cool in the hot summer times like this one.

I don’t know what we are going to do about water anymore there’s none left in the river and it’s not going to rain in awhile as its summer. Well done to the twins they might have just cost us our lives and here I was thinking that Bram was going to be the cause of that I guess I was wrong. We might as well just give into the Soul Takers while we’re at it. I’m sick of being the one in charge around here, it would be so nice just to have a relaxing day at home like the life before the comet, the life where I could just go hang out with my friends and the only thing that I was really thinking about was boys and school, how that life seems like Heaven compared to this one.


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xoxo misakisses

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