Amelia: No I saw a case like that the kid couldn't remember his dad and they thought he had early Alzheimers and they brought him to me and they asked me to run literally all the possible tests in the world, I'm a neurosurgeon too

Me: Yeah right of course

Amelia: Let's go see Bailey then I need to leave soon so, goodbye, Cristina...

Me: Bye



We went with Amelia to Day Care to see Bailey, he was sitting with Grace, Samuel, Eliza, Lucas, Rachel, and Stella

Me: Um wait, Bailey honey Aunt Amy is here

Bailey: Amyy

Amelia: Hey honey, happy birthday, so what are you doing for your birthday?

Bailey: I'm playing with my SQUAADDD

Amelia: Squad?

Me: Yeah he keeps saying that since he heard it on tv

Amelia: Cool and who's in your squad?

Bailey: Sam, Eliza, Lucas, Rachel,  Stella and Grace

Amelia: Hey the Squad

Stella: Hey

Samuel: Hey

Amelia: Hey Grace

Grace: Hi

Amelia: Um let's go to the Nursery see Ellis, I haven't seen her in so long

We went to the nursery and Amelia started playing with Ellis, I heard a baby crying and I remembered the crying from the night before

Nurse: Shh baby, shh. Has he eaten?

Nurse2: Yeah, I changed his diaper and everything I don't know what to do

Me: Wait give him to me

I took Adam in my arms and started walking around, as soon as I held him in my arms he stopped crying

Me: Here you go baby

Amelia: Oh my god that is the cutest baby in the universe! Who's baby is that?

Nurse: It's Dr. Yang and Dr. Hunt's son, that poor little baby, he hasn't seen his father in like two days and he only talks to him over the phone, I mean why would he leave

Me: You think he had a choice?

Amelia: Wait what? Owen had a baby

Nurse: No they had two babies look at that beautiful girl over there, she looks exactly like her mother and her sist...

Me: Okay that's enough, take Adam, he likes when you walk around while holding him, Amelia let's go

Amelia: Wait I wanna know more

Me: You will not know more, you left it was your decision to leave, it's none of your business

We got to the elevator and Nathan Riggs came in

Nathan: Dr. Grey, um do you know where Dr. Yang is?

Me: No why?

Nathan: I need to ask her for some papers, I think they are at her house

Amelia: You are new here, can I ask you a question

Me: No

Nathan: Sure

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