Even if he was playing with poor Mrs. Fisher's emotions.

Not that that was his fault, he hadn't really encouraged her, had he?

Emma stood and left the room, just as the door opened downstairs. She went down the stairs where Alexander stood in the doorway.

"Alexander, I must speak with you," Emma said.

"Yes love? Let me just get a drink. Sit in the parlour, I'll be there in a moment."

Emma obliged and sat on the settee, her fingers drumming on the armrest nervously. A minute later her husband entered the room, a brandy in hand.

"What is it?" He asked, sitting next to her.

"I love you very much Alexander, please understand that I'm not saying this out of jealously or spite, I just want, no I need you be to cautious with your lover."
"What?" Alexander's eyebrows shot up but Emma took his hand.

"My dear I am not angry or mad, I know that sometimes nature makes us different but if you're discovered there will be much pain for all three of us, never mind his brother and mother, and the poor girl."

"Emma," Alexander let a tear slip and he gripped his wife's hand.

"Don't worry, I love you, I always will, but I just don't want you to be hurt."
"Emma, what did I do to deserve you?"


Monday evening came around and Emilia and Max were seated in a cab, driving to the theatre.

"How is your brother finding Boston?" Max asked.
"He seems to be settling down. He's been taking a trial job at some business and I think he is content. I believe he likes America more than France."
"I hope he finds it enjoyable. I should like to get to know him better."

"I am sure he'd like that. He has no friends here and a sister and daughter are poor substitutions for friends."

"You get along well with him then?"
"Yes, but since Phoebe's death he's been more surly. I do hope he can find a wife." 
"And you? Any more thoughts on remarriage and the future?"
"I miss working at the shop and I feel a husband would be a nuisance at this point. Despite Lettie and Jane my days seem fairly empty."
"My mother misses you. I think she craves having another female presence around."

"I regret having to stop, but," Emilia sighed, changing the topic. "And you? Any thoughts of marriage for yourself?"

"No, I feel my foolish heart is still not over Miss Donal."
"I am sorry about that, perhaps you will find someone who actually knows you exist."
"Are we good enough friends for teasing?" He asked, looking at her.
"Yes, if friends cannot mock each other then there is no use in having friends."

"Fair enough," he laughed, just as the cab stopped.

They got out, paid, and entered the theatre. It was the same one they had visited previously, though a little more full, and Max and Emilia found their seats.

The play, a rousing comedy, left Emilia's ribs aching. She thoroughly enjoyed it and told Max so as they went backstage to congratulate Martha.

"I'm so glad, I must admit I wasn't prepared to laugh that much."

"Nor I," she laughed again as they approached the dressing room. Max knocked once and the door opened, Martha on the other side.

"Max, Emilia," she planted a kiss on both of their cheeks. "How are you?"
"Well thank you, we just wanted to pop back to say what a wonderful job you did. I confess we both laughed like fools."

An American Promise (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon