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I like this cover but i think i did better for Glass of Hearts still...

Fyi this story is just as bad as GoH
>same universe
>time wise, occurs after GoH


"Wait, Yaku," Kuroo said staring into an alley, and motioning at the driver to stop the truck. They were currently returning to base from a job well done. There was a fire in a neighborhood due to a smoker–the usual case.

Yaku frowned at Kuroo, and stepped on the pedal, halting the firetruck. Kuroo, who had fought for, and won, the shotgun seat against Lev, another colleague, jumped off the truck and jogged over to a nearby alley. There he was met by a pair of golden eyes, belonging to a child.

The child, who looked near his preteens, had blonde dyed hair, with his dark roots showing. His attire was dirty and ragged, and dirt was smudged over his face. There was a string around his neck with a key on it. Clearly he hadn't had a shower or returned home for awhile.

At the sight of Kuroo, his expression showed fear, before tears started falling from his eyes.

Kuroo smiled comfortingly at the child, and extended a hand to him. "Where's your home kid?"


"Wouldn't kidnapping a kid land you in prison?" Lev pondered innocently, as Kuroo added the finishing touches to his report on the job. Kuroo winced as Lev jumped on the back of his swively chair, nearly tipping it over.

Kuroo noticed Yaku, with papers in his hand, walk up from behind Lev with a murderous look on his face.

"So why'dja kidnap him? Is it a kink of yours?"

"Shut up Lev." Yaku said pissed, hitting Lev in the back of the head with the papers in his hand which he had rolled up. Lev quickly clammed up and got off Kuroo's chair. Kuroo and Yaku had went to the same highschool, and eventually got into the same occupation. Yaku then met Lev during their firefighting training a year ago, and started dating. I'm surprised Yaku still has the patience to deal with Lev, Kuroo thought, and Lev hasn't fallen out of love after all the abuse he's been put under.

"Anyways, I got your cousin to do a background check on the kid," Yaku told Kuroo. Kuroo's cousin Daichi worked in the police department. "Here's the results," Yaku handed the papers to Kuroo

"Thanks Yaku," Kuroo said grinning, "I owe you one."

"YAAKUUU!!! WHY ARE YOU HELPING HIM!! HES A BAD MAN!!" Lev screeched. Kuroo winced as Yaku hit Lev again, and dragged him away by the ear.

Kuroo diverted his attention back to the papers Yaku handed him. The papers said his name was Kozume Kenma, and he was... 24 years old. Kuroo gawked at the number. The boy he picked up looked like a high schooler at the most. He's only a year younger than me?

Kuroo scanned the rest of the paper. According to the papers, Kozume's parents lived relatively close to his own.

He set the papers down, and headed to the waiting room, where Kozume was sitting quietly. He quietly walked into the room and kneeled in front of the boy.

"Your name is Kozume Kenma?" Kuroo asked, smiling gently. The boy didn't react to him. It seemed more like the boy was staring through him. His eyes, though golden, were dull and empty.

"Were you lost?" Kuroo continued, urging himself to keep smiling. The boy still continued to ignore him. "Don't talk to me as if I'm a child," the boy said quietly. His words shocked Kuroo. I guess I was kinda talking to him like a kid...

"Kuroo!" The dark haired man jumped at the loud call of his name, he turned around, to see his boss gesturing him to step out for a moment. Yaku and Lev were with him also. Kuroo heaved a sigh, stood up, and headed to his not-so-happy boss.

"Yes sir?"

"Your firefighting training is going on great so far," he said nodding towards Yaku and Kuroo, "I bet you could end your trainig a few months earlier if you keep up the good work." He nodded approvingly at Yaku and Kuroo.

"Now you Lev," their boss sighed. Yaku and Kuroo slowly backed away from the two, fully aware of what Lev had coming at him. It wasn't the first time Lev had been scolded by their boss.

"Pray for him buddy," Kuroo whispered to Yaku putting a hand on his shoulder.

Kuroo walked back to the waiting room, but Yaku blocked his way. "Let me talk to him okay?" Kuroo nodded and stayed out. He watched as Yaku and Kenma conversed in a quiet talk. Kuroo could only catch bits and parts. Something about himself, a "bastard", and "not his fault". After a few minutes he saw Kenma start crying as Yaku comforted him with a pained expression. At the sight of Kenma's tears, Kuroo got an sudden odd urge to protect the boy from all dangers. Kuroo shook his head. Jeez, what is happening to me?

After awhile Yaku walked out, not before glancing at Kuroo pitifully. What did I do? Kuroo walked back into the room after Yaku left.

"So do you have a home? Can you get home?" Kuroo questioned. Kenma looked up at him red eyed, then shook his head.

"You don't have a home?"

"Not a place I can return to," Kenma said quietly.

"No friends to stay with for the time being, or relatives?" Kuroo continued. All negative.

Kuroo pondered about this situation. A twenty four year old, right out of college, with no home? What are the odds? Kuroo bit his lip.

"Wanna come live with me?"


"So can't you go back to your family?" Kuroo asked. Kenma shook his head. Kuroo watched as the boys hair flew across his face and chuckled a bit.

The boy looked up at him and Kuroo flinched. Whenever I see his face... there's an odd feeling, Kuroo thought to himself. Those golden eyes, they were so blank as they peered at him.

What a waste for such beautiful eyes, Kuroo thought.

"Isn't it dangerous to bring a stranger into your home?" The boy ducked his head, looking away from Kuroo.

"Are you dangerous?" Kuroo grinned. There was a pause.


Box of Reminiscence {Kuroken}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin