Chapter 2 - This is awkward

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*Mia's POV*

As I was lost deep in thought, I heard the distant sound of footsteps slowly getting louder as they got closer to where I was. At first, I thought it was probably just Taylor coming up to join me, but then I realised that she was in class right now. Plus, she was one of those girls that wore heels all the time - I honestly don't know how her feet haven't fallen off yet - and the sound of the footsteps was different to the sound heels make when they come in contact with the ground. In fact, it sounded like someone wearing sneakers was slowly making their way up the same stairs I had come up merely a few minutes ago.

But something didn't seem right, nobody knew about this place apart from me, Taylor and ... him. My heart rate picked up at an alarming rate and my palm started becoming clammy. It was too early to face him again and I just wasn't ready. Oh no, oh no. I heard the footsteps at the top of the stairs and the old door slowly creaked open. If it really was him then I knew that he would easily recognise me from my dark brown locks that fell down my back and my signature varsity jacket that I always wore. I needed to hide because I did NOT want him seeing me after what happened that night.

I turned my head frantically from left to right trying to find a place to hide, but it was too late as I heard a voice say "uh...who are you?"

Instantly I knew it wasn't him because his voice definitely did not sound like that. No, this voice was a lot deeper and masculine with a sense of authority. I slowly craned my neck around to look at the intruder that decided to give me both a heart attack and interrupt my peaceful thinking. As I turned around, I witnessed none other than Mr. Xander Steel in the flesh and let me just say that he looks a whole lot different in real life than everyone seemed to describe him as. He had piercing blue eyes that were so deep you could swim in them, his dark brown hair was quiffed up and his jawline was so sharp you could literally grate cheese on it.

Xander Steel was the bad boy of the school. Yep, he was the guy that played with girls' hearts, tell them that he loves them and ends up throwing them away once he's done with that he has. Of course everyone knows about his player ways but that doesn't stop almost every girl falling at his feet - excluding me. To add to his record, he has been to jail about 3 times and has almost gotten expelled on multiple occasions. However, his mother is the principal of the school, so she has no choice but to keep him in otherwise along with him, she will go down too...

"Are you okay?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and yes, to answer your question, I do that quite a bit. 

"Yeah, sorry." I replied with my head down because I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye. I know he knew about what happened but was just hiding it for my sake. 

" you come up here often?" He asked trying to start a conversation. But me being the awkward turtle that I am, didn't know how to keep up a talk with the hottest guy in the school because obviously, I had no experience.

"Uh...y-yeah. I t-thought I w-was the only one who knew about i-it." Yep...definitely the awkward turtle. In my defense, I really did think I was the only one - apart from Taylor and he-who-shall-not-be-named, who knew the way up here.

"I've been coming up here ever since the first day." He shrugged his comment off nonchalantly. I didn't know what else to say to that because I wasn't expecting it. We spent the next few minutes just staring at the ground and stealing glimpses at each other until he decided to break the silence by stating the obvious.

"Well this is awkward."



Hey my lovelies,

I finally released the second chapter!!! I was planning on doing one every day, but school has just been loading up. Anyway, i will try and keep my updates more constant rather than leaving like 4 days between each one. Also, don't forget about my competition. Please show me your cover ideas so that I can finally have a good cover. I have recieved a few entries so far and I like what I see, but I'm still open for ideas.

Anyway, don't be an invisible reader. Vote. Comment. And I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

With love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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