Where the love sets

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Frisk had it all planned out. He wanted to make her see that there aren't only bad things on the surface like people. There are good things too! Like fields, stars and the Sun. And Frisk was going to show her all three and more.

The bag was packed. The picnic was set. And the time was just right. Now all he needed was Chara.

He went to the bedroom that they shared (A/N no you dirty sinners, they had a bed each so no sin... yet..>:3) and went inside. Chara was on her bed, watching anime.

"Hey Frisk, what's up?" She asked.

"Something" he said with a smirk. Chara looked at him in a confused way. He just went to the bathroom with a bag in his hand. Chara shrugged and continued to watch. 2 minutes later, Frisk came out wearing a black, silky tux. Chara was too busy watching anime to notice. He crept up to her and handed her a rose from behind since she was facing away from him. She looked back to see Frisk with a smile on his face.

"What's this?" Chara asked as she took the rose. Frisk just smirked and held out his hand.

"Milady, would you be as so kind to accompany me on a date?" He asked. Chara blushed and stood up.

"L-Like, on an actual d-date?!" Chara asked, flustered. Frisk nodded. She rushed to the bathroom. Frisk panicked. Had he done something wrong? Was this a bad time?

His questions were soon answered when Chara came out of the bathroom in a silky, green dress that went up to her knees. Frisk's jaw dropped.

"W-Wow Chara, y-you look a-amazing" he uttered out. Chara giggled. "Wait how'd you...?"

"Secret" Chara winked.

"Well then milady, shall we be going on this fine afternoon of ours?" He asked as he held his hand out again. Chara gladly accepted it.

"Of course kind sir" she replied as Frisk led her down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, they were greeted by Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys and (unfortunately for Chara) Mettaton.

"Oh Darlings! You look absolutely beautiful!" Mettaton proclaimed.


"You guys going on a date or something?" Undyne asked with grin. Frisk and Chara blushed. Alphys was squealing and mumbling the word 'ship' over and over again.

"My children, please be careful on your date" Toriel said with a giggle on the word date. The two were finally able to get to the door and Sans followed them out.

"Don't get too Frisky" Sans said with a wink. Chara and Frisk blushed again.

"Saaaaaaans" Frisk whined.

"Heh" he muttered and walked back into the house. Frisk smiled at her and led her to a restaurant called 'Fancy's' (A/N I know, real original -_-').

"Frisk? What?" She asked as she looked around once they got inside. "How can you even AFFORD this?"

"Well, I get alot of money at the embassy, plus I was saving up for this" Frisk explained as they went to the desk. "I believe I have a  reservation for two?"

"Ah yes! Frisk Dreemurr, please come this way" the woman said as she led them to a booth for two. She gave them the a menu each and left. Frisk pulled out a chair and motioned for Chara to sit in it. Chara sat down and he pushed her chair in before sitting down himself. Soon, a waiter came by to take their order.

After they ordered their food, they sat in silence and waited.

"Frisk, why are you doing this for me?" Chara asked. Frisk gave her a quizzical look.

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