Chapter 4 - Hope for the Hopeless

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"We were able to restart his heart, but his body may be too weak to handle what just happened," Amelia tells Teddy.

"So he's awake? What happened? Why wasn't I paged?!" Teddy almost yells.

Amelia nods at Owen, who brings the intern working on Henry's case forward.

"I― I'm― so sorry, Dr. Altman. I--I apologize for not giving your husband my full attention when he uh... needed it the most. I didn't think people could wake up from comas after such a long time," the intern stammers.

Anger rushes throughout Teddy's body and she tries to stay calm. She knows that if she speaks, she'll break down, so she presses her quivering lips together and nods slightly. Without another gesture, Teddy turns and walks away. There's nothing to say. Nothing matters anymore; Henry is awake.

It is 2:30 am. Teddy slips into the room as quietly as she can. She stops at the sight of Henry. He's moving slightly in his sleep. He's awake. Teddy wants to turn around and leave, but she tells herself this is the moment she's been waiting for. Teddy slowly approaches his bed and sits in the chair she's so familiar with. For 7 months, every night, Teddy has sat here, watching Henry until she fell asleep. This time, Teddy doesn't dare drift off. 

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