8.) Mandyd236 - Mandy, I love you so much! I love reading your comments because I know you're so loving and funny and uGH. Like when I write, I really enjoy getting a response and whenever I see yours I always have the biggest stupidest grin on my face because I love you!! I really value you as my friend and I want you to know I'm always here for you.

9.) -standbyitoutsider - ok so. Where do I start! When I think of you and your presence here, I get such a strong feeling of admiration and love for you. I admire you so much and I look up to you in so many ways. You constantly inspire me and I'm so grateful for you. You are really the epitome of an 80's soul. You have an 80's spirit like I can't explain. I love you so much sorry if I'm not making sense haha I swear I love you!

10.) radicalhaim - you! You are literally one of my favorites. I feel so bad like I'm not that dedicated to your content so i want to change that. I really love you so much and you're love for Corey Haim is so inspiring and I love you for that. I love how you're all good vibes and I can I feel like I can trust you with anything.

11.) UntamedHeart93 - I love you so much!! I love you're feedback you're so honest and I love how much you appreciate my work. I love you're uplifting comments and I love how you love Patrick Swayze. I don't know anyone who loves Patrick as much as you. You literally are Mrs. Swayze haha. Anyways I love you so much!!

12.) daddy_jaia - ok omg I love how ur my anakin Skywalker bitch like we in this shit lmaoo. You're so funny and your comments always lift me up when I'm feeling down or upset, so thank you ☺️. I love you as a person I think you're so real amongst so many fake people on here. I seriously am in love with your personality and how funny u are. Thank you and love you.

13.) pineapplecaspar omg I'm so excited to write about you. You are one of my favorite people here, hands down. You're so positive and I look up to you in so many ways.
You're positivity is truly contagious and I love how you're always commenting and showing your support and I feel so bad because I feel like I don't do that for you but I'm going to be there for you. I love you so much you have no idea.

14.) 80smedina - oh my goodness I have so much appreciation and love for you. I love love love you sOSOSOSo much please know that. You inspire me so much and your presence here makes me literally want to write like its you who brings me back here I look forward to your feedback and love on here. You're one of the reasons I love wattpad. I love writing about my loves (80's) here, and you make it worthwhile. I seriously love and appreciate you like a sister

15.) musicandmovies I love you so much!!!! You're feedback means so much to me and you're input is so important to me. You're so kind a generous but you're also so sassy I love it. I love you and your comments they mean so much to me and I want you to know that I love you here.

16.) outsiders_love - ok hold up we just need a moment of silence for your hot ass profile pic of tommy Howell. Ok continuing on. I love you. Ever since you found my account you've been so loving and I always think of you when I'm writing and I love your kindness and ur sassiness. Btw u can have tommy if I get Liam 👅

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