Chapter 2 : Hermione The Tutor

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4:00 pm in Professor Snape's office...

"Well Granger, what do you have to say for yourself?"
Hermione looked up at Snape, her face in utter despair.
"Urm, sorry professor."
"Sorry for what?"
"For talking out of line in your class sir."
"Right. Well if you do it again," - he looked at Hermione with a smirk- ", you will suffer the consequences."
"Yes sir."
Hermione stared at the door and she could see Ron and Harry making faces. She couldn't help but laugh. Unfortunately, Snape got the wrong idea.
"Granger!! Obviously you haven't learnt your lesson, as expected. You need to be punished immediatly!"
Hermione looked up at Snape, wanting to tell him it wasn't her fault. But she couldn't turn in her friends.
"Professor.. Please!"
"I don't want to hear it Granger! Your punishment will be most... valuable."
Snape started to smirk. What did he mean?
Hermione's heart dropped, as she witnessed a head of white-blonde hair
walk into the room.
"Malfoy, sit there." He pointed at a seat directly opposite Hermione's.
Hermione looked at Draco, then Snape, then back at the door. Ron and Harry were gone.
'Guys, I need you to see this. Where did you go', Hermione thought.
"Professor, why am I here?" Draco asked.
"Well Malfoy, Granger. You will have some work to do."
"Like what sir?" Asked a confused Hermione.
"Well, Malfoy here has had a small drop in his grades. His N.E.W.Ts will be coming up next year and I want him to be at the top of his game."
"What does that have to do with me Professor?"
"Well Granger, as you are known to be 'The Brightest Witch Of Her Age', I want to see if you can live up to that. I want you to tutor Malfoy until his grades go soaring." Snape smirked.
Draco and Hermione looked at eachother. Then they looked up at Snape.
Hermione thought,
'Why did it have to be me? Why is it always me?!'

That was chapter 2.
//ourqucffles is currently writing chapter 3::

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