Part 2

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We rode for a few miles, it seemed the farther we rode, the more awkward it got. We finally stopped at an old town that looked a little bit like my old village, minus the ten-thousand idiots. Zuko got off the ostrich-horse and offered to help me down. Trying to prove that I wasn't a wimp, I hopped down myself... and tripped in the process. Zuko rolled his eyes. "Stay here," he ordered. "Sir yes sir!" I said, adding a salute. Zuko stood in between a few buildings for a moment. I heard talking. "All right, you caught up with me," said a voice. It was a boy's voice, a young boy, no more than about twelve-years-old. "Now who are and why are you following me?" "You mean you haven't guessed?" said a voice. This time it was a girl's. But it was cold and somehow evil. I could only guess that was Azula, Zuko's sister. "You don't see the family resemblance?" Then her voice changed, deeper, almost mocking. "I must capture the Avatar to regain my honor. It's alright, you can laugh. It's funny." Zuko cringed. What was he waiting for? "So what now?" said the boy."Now?" said Azula. "Now it's over. You're tired and you have no place to go. You can run, but I'll catch you." Then the boy said, "I'm not running." She laughed. "Do you really want to fight me?" Then Zuko leaped out and said "Yes, I really do." "Zuko!" The boy said in alarm. Azula didn't seem shaken at all. "I was wondering when you going to show up, Zuzu." The boy laughed. "Zuzu?" Zuko, while seeming slightly agitated, simply said, "Back off, Azula, he's mine." "I'm not going anywhere," she said. What did they want with him? Was he some sort of criminal with a price over his head. I peeped out but all I could see was Zuzu, uh sorry, Zuko, standing in front of a boy wearing strange clothes with a blue arrow on his head. Zuko looked like he was getting ready for a fight, the boy prepared to fight as well. Fire started flying and Zuko was knocked into a building. I rolled my eyes "You know, a bunch of guys could have come to my village, and I bet that about a hundred of them could ACTUALLY FIGHT!" I yelled at Zuko. The boy tried to fly away, wait FLY? Oh, never mind, anyway, he tried to fly away with something that looked like a long stick with paper or fabric (I couldn't tell) connected to the wood in a fan-like pattern. I assumed it was a glider. Anyway, he tried to escape but Azula knocked him to he ground with fire. I couldn't take it anymore. I stupidly leapt out from my hiding spot and threw out a wall of earth. "What are you doing?!" asked Zuko angrily. "Um... saving your sorry butt!" I answered sarcastically. Azula jumped over the wall as Zuko got up and pushed me behind him. "Who's this, Zuzu?" she said. "Your girlfriend? Mai's not going to be happy about that." "Why don't you mind your own business, lady?" I yelled at Azula, "And who the heck is Mai?" I whispered to Zuko. Azula simply laughed and launched another ball of blue fire. Zuko pushed me down and bended some fire as well. The two fireballs collided and burned out. I got up and threw a ball of earth at Azula. She dodged and laughed. I decided to use water this time. I looked around for any source of water I could find. Luckily for me, I was standing right next to a small puddle. It wasn't much but it would do. I brought up my arms and began to bend the water. I was very out of practice so all I could do was hope for the best. I thrusted my arms towards Azula and the orb of water followed. It hit her right in the face. I was impressed with how lucky a shot that was. She paused for a moment and said, "Did you just..." "Oh HECK YEAH, I did," I said. She regained herself, ran over to me, and knocked me down with her forearm. Then she went back for the boy. He ran up the stairs of another building. She followed him but there was no floor. The boy was floating on a ball of air. Azula regained her balance but Zuko came running after them and fell through the floor. I face palmed myself and whispered, "Idiot," The boy ran off again and Azula followed him. 

He leaped onto a building and grabbed hold. Using her fire-bending, Azula sliced off half of the building. The boy still held on but Azula knocked him into a pile of rubble. He was trapped. Azula lit the place on fire and stood in a ring of flames. She was about to do him in when a girl with a braid and blue dress used water-bending to whip Azula's hand back. "KATARA!" the boy yelled happily. Azula chased after her but another boy with an odd looking sword and a boomerang blocked her path. She ran the other way. 

Meanwhile, Zuko was regaining consciousness. An old man and a girl knelt by him. The old man was short and had a grey beard. The girl, who looked about fifteen, had green eyes, green clothes, and long, flowing brown hair. Zuko opened his eyes. "Uncle? Geo?" he whispered. "No, lame brain. We're angels. You died because you were an idiot!" said the girl, whom I could only assume was Geo. I liked her instantly. she looked up at me and said, "Who's the weird chick, lame ass?" "I found her in a village I passed through." Zuko said, dusting himself off. Geo was about to say something, but Zuko interrupted, "We can deal with these petty introductions later!" 

The three other people had Azula up against another opening. To this day, I still don't understand that technique. She grinned but that grin faded quickly. She was knocked to the ground by another earth-bender. Where Azula once stood, there was now a small girl with black hair in a bun and her bangs were in front of her eyes, and she wore green and tan clothes with a thick black belt around her waist. "I thought you could use a little help." The three of them smiled. Azula tried to run away, but Zuko, his uncle, Geo, and I blocked her exit. All of us cornered her. She was trapped. "Well," she said smugly. "Look at this. Enemies and traitors coming together." She put her hands up. "I give up. You got me. I know when I'm beat. A princess surrenders with honor." Zuko's uncle looked over at me for a moment, unsure of who I was, then at the rest of the strangers. Azula saw this opportunity and took it; she bended a huge fireball at him, knocking him to the ground, unconscious. Zuko stood there in horror.  

When the smoke had cleared, Azula was gone. Zuko was kneeling over his uncle with his head in his hands. The girl named Katara took a step towards him. "GET AWAY FROM US!" he shouted. "Zuko," said Katara, "I can help." "LEAVE!" Zuko yelled as he bended more fire at them. They all left.

I know It's really long, but at least it has action. Vote and comment! :)

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