Prologue- The First Attempt

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Thanks to flowcherry for making the great bookcover! Love the mask! Has given me a bit of an idea...but I can't reveal that 'til later!

Nathan and Mary Lark waited anxiously as the nurse went to check on their baby. There was a commotion going on around a certain crib and they wanted to know what was going on. The nurse ran back, panting and trying to keep her composure.

"I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" she asked hesitantly.

"The good news," Mary blurted before Nathan had a chance to say anything.

"It's a girl. What will you name her?"

"Let's hear the bad news before we decide that," Nathan spoke up.

"Well...she is a bit unhealthy, sir..."

"What do you mean, 'a bit unhealthy'?"

"It's just that, well, her eyes are black, her hair is black, and the look in her eyes..."

"Yes?" Nathan pressed.

"There is no emotion in her eyes. It's as if she is a shark child."

"She can't be that bad," Nathan defended.

"Let us see her," Mary demanded.

"As you wish," the nurse sighed.

She led them to the crib and lifted the newborn baby out of the holding compartment. Nathan and Mary gasped. The nurse had been right. The baby did have shark eyes and black hair, but she was beautiful nonetheless. Mary picked her up and cradled her, listening to her coo and burble.

"Would you like to name her now?" the nurse asked.

"Christine?" Nathan suggested, glancing at Mary.

"Yes. Christine Vivian Lark."

"Let's go home, baby girl," Nathan whispered, kissing Christine on the forehead.

As the nurse watched them leave, she frowned. So close. Never to worry, though. We will get what we want yet. With that mental promise, she slung the curtain closed. Just then, her phone rang. She checked the Caller I.D. and saw who it was. Great. "Hello?" she answered in a low tone.

"Caylis? What happened? Did they take a liking to her?"

"Yes, they did, unfortunately. What are we to do, boss?"

She heard a deep chuckle on the other end of the line. "We'll take care of that in time. Let's just lie low for a few years and try again later okay?"

"Got it," she finished. She uncerimoniously flipped the phone closed and left the hospital, driving off into the night.

A/N   Don't be afraid to give your opinion. Should I continue to the next chapter?



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