Rug {The Tunnel}

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Your POV

My best friend Brian wanted me to go with him to visit his family. Me being the best friend I was, I said yes of course. We were sitting in his beautiful white Range Rover and listening to the Radio.

"What are we even gonna do?" I asked putting my feet up on the dashboard.

"One, get your feet off of there," he pushed my feet down and I stuck my tongue out at him, "Two, we're just gonna play basketball for a bit and then we're gonna make a video."

"Oooh! Another video with people thinking I'm your girlfriend and more comments about my ass. Fabulous."

"Shut up." He laughed.

"So what's the video gonna be about?"

"We're gonna go explore this little tunnel. Very creepy actually. Not my idea. But we gotta do it."

"Great. A creepy tunnel. Why am I friends with you? I'll probably get killed because of you."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." He put his right hand on his side and his left in the air.

"Okay superman. Believe what you want to."

At The Tunnel

"It's not too late to turn back you know?" I tried to convince them to go back home but Brian and his cousin wanted to go.

"Don't be a chicken!" Anthony said looking back at me.

"Don't be an asshat!" I sassed back.

"Guys! Quit it. Let's go." We started to walk down to the entrance to the tunnel and They both jumped down. Brian held his hand out for me to take and I took it. He helped me down.

"Still having thoughts about leaving you both." I said pointing my flashlight.

"Shush and hurry up."


We were about twenty-thirty minutes into the tunnel when we stopped because we heard voices talking. I grabbed onto my best friend and basically clung to him for my life. Fuck that I was not dying today. Hell to the no. I held his hand and the three of us started to whisper to each other. "Let's go this way." We followed Brian and after a while I was getting more scared by the seconds.

We started freaking out a lot. "Brian if we don't make it out alive I have something to tell you."

"Me too."

"You first." I whispered.

"Same time."

"Okay. One, two, three."

"I love you y/n!"

"I broke your tripod!" We said at the same time.

"What?" He asked.

"Did you just confess your love for me."

"Shut up."

"Guys! Let's go." After about twenty more minutes we finally made it out alive.

"That was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life." Anthony said.

"Same here." Brian and I agreed.

"Hey Brian? About what you said earlier..."

"Don't you dare." I gestured Anthony to record me and he did.


"Nope, not gonna listen to anything you have to say."

"Come on Brian."

"Don't Brian me y/n."

"Damnit Brian." I grabbed his neck and pulled him down a little ways and kissed him. "I love you too." He looked at me in shock and then picked me up from my waist and kissed me again.

"Then will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend Y/N?"

I nodded my head, "Of course." He spun me around in his arms and I hugged him and laughed at his silliness. My best friend was now my boyfriend all because of some stupid Tunnel.

Thanks tunnel.


This is my first ever time writing an imagine so forgive me if its crappy. I tried to make it as good as I possibly could.

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