Moving in

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There was a knock at the door, so Kylee wiped her hands with a dish towel and answered it. Becca walked in and hugged her. “So, what do ya think of New York so far?” She said happily, sitting on the couch.

“Same thing I thought of it the first time Bec. It’s loud and noisy and smelly, and it’s not the country. But it has the guys so its home.”

“I see you have more than four guys at heart. Hello, Jaejae! How’s the prince of cats today? Hey Kylee, I thought you were gonna leave him with yer mom and dad.” Becca loved on a ball of black fluff with tufts of fur on the tips of his ears and big luminescent yellow eyes. He let out a purr that rattled through him.

“I was. I still feel bad for bringing him out here. But after Baby… I needed him with me.”

“Oh right. So did you see the guys yet?”

“Yes, last night, after Leo found me with dome new buddies.”

“You made friends already? Way ta go! Yer never that open with people, I’m so proud!”

“Yeah, big walls of meat who wanna play with me are the kind of people I hang out with now.”

“You meant thugs? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?”

“ I’m fine. I kicked their butts before they touched mine. Then Leo helped me make a dramatic escape. And this-“Kylee said punching Becca “Is the first part of yer punishment for lying to me about the mole people.”

“Oh, you finally caught on huh? Finally, I thought you were gonna believe that story forever. Worried about yer man were we?”

Kylee sat on the couch and pet the cat, scowling. “Becca you and I both know I grew out of that a long time ago. I Don’t like Raph like that anymore for the hundredth time.”

Becca sat by her smirking, “No, that’s not what I know. What I do know is that you wish that you had grown out of it but are still passionately and madly in love with him.” Kylee smacked her upside the head, and then poked her in the gut. “You know I don’t believe in love, and that I never have. I leave romance for stories and live my life happily without it.”

“I’m just glad you started dating. It was about time. Twenty four and having yer first date? Pathetic. Too bad they aren’t the man you truly want, the only man your heart has ever beat for, the one in shining armor in youor dreams. The very man who isn’t really a man, who you cling to each sentence he says.” Becca clasped her hands together and fell across Kylee’s lap, making the cat retreat.

“You’ve gotten more dramatic over the years.” Kylee said getting up, “No love is that strong, even in this world. Now if yer not gonna help unpack, Juliet, get outta here and go play with Romeo.”

“Ah, Romeo. Alas, Romeo hath not shown thy shining face, yet ever hides himself from thine own eyes. Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou my ever shining Romeo.” Becca went all dramatic on the couch, making fun of the nickname Kylee had given her when they were fifteen.

“Are you drunk?”

“No, just hyper.”

“Are you going to help me unpack?”



Kylee started unload the books and kitchen gear, while Becca messed with the cat. ‘I should probably unpack the personal stuff so the guys don’t see that. Are they that nosy?’ there was a knock at the window and Becca let the turtles in. ‘oh well, too late now.

“Alrighty then. Boy’s, get to work. Leo you can start off unloading the rest of the books in the bookshelf, that would be helpful, Don if you could unpack the office stuff down the  hall to yer left, I’d be much obliged, Mikey…stay away from anything breakable or irreplaceable and you can unload the kitchen, the places for the stuff is already labeled for ya, Raph you can unload stuff in here, theres two boxes over there-ya them- don’t touch anything inside them. That’s family in there and I don’t want anything happening to them or their stuff. Becca once yer done messing with the cat, his room is the one next to the office, unload the stuff in there-”

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