Crying With Jessie

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Drew: what am I going to do?

Jessie: I don't know but everything is going to be okay.

Drew: are you sure about that because I don't really think so. Nothing ever goes right in my life.

Jessie: It will you and Blair just need time.

Drew: your sure?

Jessie: Yes I am sure just don't worry about it.

Drew: Alright thanks.

They hug and then they go back to the cabin and go to sleep. Drew tosses and turns and can't sleep because all he can think about is Blair but he gets mad and shakes his head trying to forget about him. So Drew goes out for a late night walk and everyone doesn't notice except Blair and he doesn't know if he should follow Drew or not so he just stays where he is and doesn't follow Drew and leaves him alone Blair figures that he will talk to Drew tomorrow morning or whenever he gets a chance to. Drew ends up getting bored from the walk and he gets very tired so he tries to find his way back to the camp he can't figure out where he was going he got lost.

Drew: oh great now how am I going to get back?

Keeps walking and sees something and screams tripping and curls up into a ball scared and doesn't move. Everyone hears the scream and wakes up.

Amy: what was that?

Jessie: I'm not sure.

Cricket: It sounded like a scream.

Joel: where is Drew?

Blair: he not in the cabin and that scream sounded like drew I'll go find him.

Cricket: you are not going alone Blair.

Blair: I like him Cricket I'm not going to leave him all alone what if something bad happens to him it will he my fault.

Alex: come on guys he's going to be fine I'll go find him and bring him back alright I'll be back.

Deb: be careful Alex we all need to be safe.

Alex: I will.

Cricket: yeah be safe Alex.

Amy: Don't get hurt please Alex.

Cricket rolls her eyes as Amy says that to Alex because of course she's jealous Alex nods and grabs a flash light and goes after Drew. Blair freaking out worrying about Drew and Cricket comfort him.

Cricket: Blair he's going to be alright I promise.

Blair: I hope so.

Alex Pov:

I'm walking with the flashlight looking around calling Drews name.

Alex: Drew! Drew where are you?!

I keep looking around for him and yelling his name so far I don't see him.

Drew: Alex I'm over here!

Alex: are you okay?!

I run over to Drew and see drew in a ball hiding and I help him up.

Alex: are you alright?

Drew: Yes I think so.

Alex: let's get back to camp before something bad happens to us alright.

Drew nods and we go back to the camp and Jessie runs up to Drew and they hug.

Jessie: I was so damn worried about you Drew!

Drew: I'm alright Jessie.

Blair runs up to Drew and he looks at Blair.

Blair: are you alright?

Drew: I'm fine you don't need to worry about me.

Drew goes to the cabin and goes to bed so does everyone else but Blair couldn't sleep and only thought about Drew.

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