•How You Meet•

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It was a dreary, rainy day outside as you sat in your local cafe, cuddling up to your hoodie, scrolling on through your tumblr feed on your laptop. Music blasting through your headphones, getting distracted in a deep post you were reading, you were yet to notice a barista was standing over you with your warm drink on this cool day, a bright smile on his face.

You glance up before doing a double take as to realize how attractive this boy is. You notice the name tag 'Ashton'. Hot name for a hot guy, you thought.

Aside from the apron wrapped around him, it did not distract you from the fact that this guy was fit. Pausing the music and pulling your earbuds out, you send a light smile to him as you take the cup from him.

"Thank you." you say, a slight blush creeping onto your cheeks as you notice how beautiful his hazel eyes were. It took a while to even register that he was eventually sitting across from you as you made great conversation throughout the evening, laughing and all.

There was nothing you hated more than being stranded at a party once your friends ditch you after promising they wouldn't. But unfortunately in your case, promises are meant to be broken as you sat there alone, drinking your alcoholic beverage. Not attempting to get too drunk, you feel yourself getting lightheaded. Rubbing your temples to try and relieve the pressure from your head, you took a deep breath to calm your heart rate.

"Hey, are you alright?" You hear from behind you.

You turn around to find a guy who seems to be your age, looking at you with concern in his eyes. Slowly, you nod your head.

"Y-yeah, I just think I drank to much, I'm kind of a lightweight." you admit to this stranger, not even thinking that he could potentially take advantage of you being in this state.

To your surprise, he guides you to the outside of the bar and you both sit on the bench outside. You start to feel yourself calming down, being that the fresh air helped.

"I appreciate you taking me outta there, God knows what would've happened if I kept drinking." you chuckled as he laughed along.

"No problem, if I see a pretty girl in distress, I gotta help her out." he winks.
You hold your hand out to shake his. "Y/N."

Summer vacation was finally here. This was your chance to get to explore the world, a dream you've been waiting to come true all your life. The first stop being Australia. Going on a trip by yourself you found to be more relaxing, since you could take your time doing everything and never have to feel rushed.

You unintentionally spent way more money than you intended on cute souvenirs for your friends, as well as a few for yourself.

Walking down the roads of northern Australia, taking in the peaceful atmosphere, a voice catches your ear. A singing voice to be specific.

As you walk further, you notice a guy standing behind his guitar case, strumming away on his guitar, singing beautifully to a cover of 'I Miss You' by Blink 182.

You nearly fell in love with this guy without even knowing his name. As you approached the boy, you pulled a decent size amount of cash out of your pocket and dropped it into the case and gave him a slight smile.

This boy's bright blue eyes caught yours as he took off his sunglasses. He stopped playing before thanking you for your generous donation.

"Thank you so much." he said, giving you a charming smile. You smiled.

"No problem, you're amazing. I just- I love that song and you probably just made it even better." You admitted, biting your lip in nervousness.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Ms. All American." he sends you a wink, as you obviously catch onto the fact that A.) he knows you're from America and B.) he has yet to find out your name.

"I'm Y/N." you introduce yourself.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Y/N, I'm Luke. Now I know this may be awkward since we met about 5 minutes ago, but you look like you need a friend to help you explore this town."

It was finally your birthday, and you could not have asked for a better present than to find out your parents are letting you buy a puppy! You've wanted one for so long and your parents gave in.

Getting ready as quick as possible, you head out to the local dog shelter, wanting to rescue a puppy. Your heart melts as you see all the little puppies whimper and bark in excitement as the bell hits the door when you enter.

The owner brings you to the back to the crates full of little puppies and you browse around. The mini schnauzers catch your eye. As you approach the crate, a gray and white pup begins licking your fingers and you know this is the one.

Picking up the tiny pup in your hands, you sit half criss cross and allow it to roam around the little area between your legs. The puppy barks in joy (or so you hope) and jumps onto you.

"Wow I've never seen her do that before." You hear.

Turning around, you look up and see a worker about your age, maybe older and wow he may be even cuter than the puppy. You smile and pick her up, giving the boy a confused look. He approaches you and the dog and pets her tiny head.

"This one's been through a lot, was lost at birth. I found her just a few months ago in the road, I prayed that she would find a beautiful home eventually." he says, his voice trailing off.

This story makes a pit in your stomach. Or maybe it's the fact that an extremely hot guy is standing right next to you, who knows.

"Well I'm more than happy to take her off your hands, and you are more than welcome to come and visit her whenever you feel like.. Calum." you say, bringing on your flirting game as well as reading his name tag.

"Well I might just have to then."


Hope you guys enjoyed my first preference!! If you did, don't be afraid to vote and share, it would mean a lot to me, thanks you guys!!

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