Lightning bolts (A Skyla and Elesa fanfic)

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Skyla was walking trough Nimbasa city. 'Woah, it's really big.'  She taught, she looked at the ferris wheel, she was surprised at the size, she decided to go to a musical, she bought a ticket, and sat down, she wasn't the only one, some blonde girl sat next to her, Skyla taught recognized the face, 'Oh yeah! It's Elesa, the model and Gym Leader!'  She taught, but, she also taught she was much more attractive in real life, than on TV... 'Wait, what?'  She taught. 'Am I falling in love with a girl?'

Elesa's pov                                                                                                                                                                     I sat next  to a girl, who seemed familiar, as I taught of her, my eyes kept looking at her face, she was damned attractive, wait, am I falling in love with a girl?

End of pov

As Skyla walked out of the building, Elesa was trying to start a conversation with her. 'Hi.' She said, 'aren't you that girl who sat next to me at the musical?' 'Yeah, I am.' Skyla answered... 'Well, I was wondering, since Hilbert is the new champion of the Unova region, I wanted to celebrate, wanna come?' Skyla taught a minute.. 'Like a date?' She said. 'Only if you want to.' Elesa answered with a wink and walked away, assuming she would come. Skyla was blushing as hell. She nodded slightly... And Elesa, she was blushing as well


I ship these do hard, I used to ship N and Skyla, I know. But nobody else does, sorry for the short chapter, my shoe is stuck and I'm going to get that fixed, well, bye

Lightning bolts (A Skyla and Elesa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now