started vibrating like a thunder storm and making the demon inside fight for control of the body so he

could ravage on this girl's body. His gustatory of torture was never meant to be sexually and it never is,

sure he strips them and throws them in a damp some where once his done making them struggle

and die.

The plea of the girls crying for help and struggling just to stay alive once they have been captured by

the predator who they lately fear the most.

He fastened his pace towards his prey, and kept his footsteps as quite as he could. Once he was sure

she was not paying any attention to her surrounding, he made his threatening moves towards her. The

leaves blurred his peripheral vision, and his mind raced at the thought of losing sight of his next victim.

There wasn't anything that could stop him from taking this one. It has been almost two days since his

last prey, and ordinarily wouldn't go for another so soon but the need, the want, the craving was so

strong he had to satisfy himself before something happened.

He watched closely, his eyes raking over the girl's body. His appeal was only peaked at her choice of

 clothing. Her long, tanned legs graced under a short, black and white, skirt. His eyes roamed them

before moving forward and eyeing all of the revealed skin on her shoulders, neck and arms. All the

skin almost made him jump with excitement, but he knew his excitement was to be retained until he

had her. Then, he was allowed to be excited all he wanted.

Drawing a short breath, he made a move. Standing to his full height, he walked silently across the

damp, leafy ground and waited until she dropped the call.

He watched her growl as her call didn't go through and slip the phone in the space between her chest

and the thin fabric she wore. A toothy smile crooked at the corners of his teeth.

Her arms fiddled with her light blond hair before clamping around herself to keep warmth. Counting to

ten in his head, he moved from his new spot right towards her. The wind whipped in between them, as

if the wind wanted to warn the girl before he got there. It's too late, he thought hopefully.

"D - Do you need any help?" His voice escaped coolly, creating the kind of tone he'd wanted to get


She looked up, big pale green eyes widened before masking the expression and giving an easy smile.

"No, I'm okay." Her tone didn't give way of sincerity, but more of a 'Get the hell away from me'.

"Are you sure? Where are you headed? I might be going the same way," he tried.

She shook her head. "Probably not, but thanks."

He drew in a short breath and nodded. He made the movement of moving on, but turned back quickly. "Are you sure -"

"I'm just waiting for a friend. I'm sure she'll be here soon,"

He looked at both ends of the small park, and shrugged. "It doesn't look like anyone's headed here any

time soon. Are you sure you don't need a lift?"

She didn't answer because she felt like if she keeps talking back to him, this guy is never going to


"Ya, I'm possitive someone is coming for me, and you can ju-." that was how far she got befor he

covered her mouth with towl and gagged her. Once she inhaled the disguasting, overpowered,

amenisaia doce, scent, she passed out.

Without hesitating, he slowly, lifted her off the graound and carried her to his car, where the

trunk was waiting open. He dropped her in the trunk and proceded to his car with a satisfied smile. 

"She wont be struggling like that once i'm done with her." he mumbled, right before driving off, to

sighn and inoccent girls early death certificate.


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