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Many years later
You're POV

I'm Lady (Y/N), Head of House Woodland. My mother died when I was ten, she was very ill. My father was killed by a wildling when he was out hunting a year ago. I'm in charge of the fourth largest house in The North. I'm riding to Winterfell, I will stay for six months to a year. For the time I'm away cousin Miko is in charge and will write to me every week with updates.
You could not be more stressed out, after all you were only seventeen.

You arrived at Winterfell after a short two day journey. When you ride into the gates, the Stark family is waiting to greet you, even though is was very early morning. You see Lord and Lady Stark standing together smiling, a dark haired man with Tully blue eyes, a young lady who looked like Lady Stark standing next to a younger girl who was not wearing a dress but and shirt and trousers and you knew that you would get along with her, and two even younger boys.
You say their names in your head
"Robb, Sansa, Arya, Brandon, Rickon."
As you dismount your horse you slip very ungracefully. Right before you fell someone had grabbed you, you look to see their face. He had black hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. He was very handsome, and you start to blush. He gives you a small smile before you stand up.
"Thank you..." you say not sure of what his name was.
"Jon Snow" he said quickly.
"Thank you Jon" You remembered him, he was the bastard son of Lord Stark. You where still staring into his eyes. Your face was bright red. He was smiling, his face turning slightly red.

"Welcome to Winterfell" Lady Stark yelled. You walk over to your new family for the next six months.

After a few hours of talking, Theon, Ned Starks ward was going to take you up to your chambers.

You head out to roam the halls with Theon.
As you walk you learn a lot about each other. You are both the same age, like to do the same things in your free times and both learn that you both haven't had a complete family in a long time.
By the time you reach your chambers you are best friends and practically know all of the others life. You sit and talk about the North and the Stark family. Finally you ask about Jon.
"What does Jon like to do? Is he with someone? What is he like?" you say as calmly as you can but you still blush.
"Well Jon likes to... wait why do you ask?" Theon asks.
Your face is bright red "Um..."
He gasps "YOU LIKE HIM!" He screamed like a child.
"Keep you're voice down! Some one will hear!"
You jump on him covering his mouth with your hands.
"Fine, you're right Greyjoy! I'm in love with Jon, but it doesn't matter he doesn't love me or even like me back."
"That's not true," you fuse your eyebrows together in confusion" If he didn't have some sort of interest in you he would have let you fall off your horse. Trust me...Lady Stark yelled at him just for being there, he wouldn't have done something like that if he didn't see something in you."
"Promise?" you ask shyly, as you ran your hand through the furs on your bed.
"Promise." Theon said as he pulled you close for a hug.
You spent many more hours talking, mostly about Jon since Theon didn't seem to mind. He said, "It has been too long since anyone has seen him show any emotions like this." You smile knowing that it was because of you.

Just then there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?"
"Jon Snow my Lady." Theon looked at you with the biggest grin on his face, you almost slapped him.
"You may enter my Lord" Theon laughed. He mouthed to you "My Lord!" while batting his eyelashes.
Jon walked in, he glared at Theon but not because he heard or saw something, no it was something else. "Thank you Lady Woodland but I'm no Lord. Just a Snow." Looking back at you he somewhat shyly asked " Would my Lady like a tour of Winterfell?"
"Yes I would love to, Theon would you like to join us?"
"No thank you my Lady, I must go tell Robb something it's very important." He winked, you winced. "Very well then. Shall we go then?"
"We shaLL." You happily say almost too loud to the point where your voice cracked.
Theon and Jon burst into a fit of laugher.
After they calm down, you glare angrily at Theon and then at Jon.
"May I say (Y/N) you look adorable when your angry." You feel your face heat up and turn red.
"Can we go now?" you ask looking at the floor.
"Sure." Jon had locked his arm with yours and walked you out.

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