Silent Nights

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It was one of those nights. Lacus felt so exhausted after going to a mission, and he was badly beaten-up along with René, after a certain silver-haired asshole abandoned them to deal with JIDA (Japanese Imperial Demon Army) soldiers which were around 50 plus in number.

As he entered your shared room, he quickly saw your slumped figure, which was almost falling off the bed. He let out a small smile as he approached you, only for his eyes to widen up as he heard your muffled sobs.

That's when he finally got a closer look on your face, which was now smeared with tears, while your eyes and nose are puffy and red. He instantly felt disheartened as he shook you by your shoulders, making you sit up straight and bawl out like a baby.

Lacus quickly wrapped his arms on your shaking figure, drawing circles on your back to somehow comfort you. "Hush, sweetie, I'm here. What's wrong?"

Looking up, you buried your face deep into his chest as you tightly gripped his uniform, as if afraid that you'll lose him. Lacus sighed as he lifted you from the bed and placed you into his lap.

After your breathing became even, Lacus noticed that you finally stopped crying. Your eyes were almost closing, a little and you'll be in a deep slumber once more. As Lacus wrapped his arm on your waist, he pulled you down with him and laid on your bed.

"Tell me, what's the reason for those tears (Name)?" He softly asked, as if he were near to crying. Just by that sight, his heart was like breaking into tiny million pieces. He never wanted to see you cry, not even once.

You sniffed. "F-Ferid told me that there'll be a 50/50 chance of you coming back in one piece. Just by thinking of living my life without you–it's horrible! I can't even imagine."

Lacus sighed as he run his fingers through his lovers tresses, feeling overwhelmed by your confession. "Dear, don't worry. I wouldn't want to leave a beautiful maiden behind." He winked, only to be pinched by you. "Ow ow–! And besides, even if I'm close to death, I would still run to you and let myself die in your arms."

"You're so cheesy it makes me want to kick you out of the room, at the same time hug you, you asshole!" You whined, making Lacus chuckle and lean down just to kiss your forehead.

"I love you. And please, stop thinking about me leaving you. That ain't gonna happen."

You smiled, feeling those little butterflies in your stomach flatter their wings. "I love you too."

Lacus smiled as he lovingly rubbed the tip of his nose on your neck before placing a messy kiss on your lips. Soon, his tongue was dancing on a melodic rhythm with yours as he initiated a small make-out session. Tugging on his hair, you let out a gasp as soon as you both parted for air. He once again delved his tongue inside the caverns of your mouth as soon as you regained your breathing, making you moan into his mouth.

"My, princess, you're getting good at kissing." Lacus complimented as he slightly bumped his forehead with yours while entwining your fingers with his.

You snorted as you grinned at the purple-haired man. "I have a pervert-of-a-boyfriend, what do you expect?"

"Hey! Am not!"

"Oh shush and let's sleep."

In the end, Lacus was sleeping comfortably with you as his body pillow, while you tried your best to not complain as he pressed his face in between your bosom.

"Lacus, you pervert."


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