The Park

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"Becky, Nialls here for you." My mum yells up the stairs. I litterally legged it down the stairs where I see Niall standing at the bottom of the stairs with his arms open wide, which I run into, as Niall hugs me tightly. "hey babe" Niall says as he gives me a light kiss on the cheek. "hey Niallier" I say as we pull apart from the hug. "We better get going" Niall says with a wink "okay. mum we're going to school" I yell to my mum who is in the kitchen. "okay Becky, you two have fun at school" my mum replies. "Oh will have fun, I'll make sure of it" Niall says as he sends a quick wink and we head out of the door.

Me and Niall walk up to the cornor shop, and niall buys us some sweets. We start to walk, hand in hand, towards the park. At the park we're going to there is a hugh field and a lake, just past the kids play area bit. When we get to the park it is completly deserted. Niall goes and sits in front of the lake and takes his shirt off and then pats the grass next to him. I sit down next to him as niall takes his trousers, so he is just siting there in his boxers, his packman ones. "Niall what are you doing?" I say looking at him like hes crazy, while stairing at his 6-pack. "going for a dip.... you coming?" Niall says as he slips of his boxers, extremly slow, and throws them into a pile with the others, and looks at me. I just stare at his manhood and smurk. "okay then" I say as I take my clothes off and pot them with Nialls and go up to niall and place my arms around his neck, and plau with the hair on the back of nialls neck. "jump" niall wispers in my ears. I do so I now have my legs rapped arpund nialls waist. Niall walks into the water, with my legs still rapped around his waist. As we get into the water I niall starts to thrust into me at a hell raising speed, I mean fast. I was pulling at his hair. I was a moaning mess and so was Niall. "Babe, I'm close" I wisper in niall. "on three okay..." just moan in responce "one, two, three" as soon as the word three leaves his lips, we both cum. After we finished riding are highs, we just sit there in the lake. That is until we hear greg, nialls older brother, calling for him. As soon as we hear him, we leg it and quickley pot are clothes back on. I hope we get away in time or me and Niall are in BIG trouble....

Niall? I'm Scared!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora