Metaphorically Spoken: Round 1 Scores

444 21 18

Metaphorically Spoken has a total of 30 entries. Therefore, the top ten books will make it on to the next round. Do note, that if there are multiple books with the same score that is on the Top 33% mark, all of the books will continue on to the next round.

1. It by DannyCepul 9.99

2. Lament of the Bard by KHRessureccion 9.99

3. Conscious Shadows by pointlesstequilla 9.99

4. Those Who Wander by that_one_star 9.99

5. Feelings . by Drummer77 9.99

6. Only Stars Know by thatbarista 9.99

7. Hiraeth by BrainySaber 9.7

8. Alphabet Soup by charmed-life 9.5

9. Standing by Gold_star21 9

10. In My Mind's Eye by -RoseByAnotherName- 9


10. She Scribbles by MissAlmostGrown 8.9

11. Songs of the Snow by mushiworks 8.9

12. She Spoke to Him as Her World Fell Apart by Theanmol 8.8

13. Letters From the Other Side by Epicadrenaline 8.5

14. Through My Eyes by wishonchocolates 8.5

14. Lilies by Ubuntu_ 8

15. Wings of Whimpers by weepingtigress 8

16. Antidote by thirteenhoursofpain 8

17. Resurrection by Ultivert 8

18. Human Norms by NovaKiaririka09 7.8

19. Dark Depths by -stereoheart- 7.5

20. Ten and Levan by HayleyMonroe 7.5

21. Seasons of Heart by marshmelow_you 7.5

22. Is This Love? by Swibells 7.5

23. Poetic Melodies by a_sky_full_of_smiles 7

24. Life by Divaqueen1016 7

25. A not so good book of not so good poems by HopefullOpal1 7

26. Poem Cycle by Cathyjkkpop 6.5

27. Can't Elaborate by sheennasharma 5.75

28. Poetry for a Thought by MissKrill 5

If your book did not make the top ten here and you're interested, please contact me on my main account, cleverwren, for details.

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