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~ Stiles ~

Derek's eyes kept locked on mine as he waited for my answer as to why I was feeling nervous I could of tried to deny it, but there was no point. I breathed heavily staring down at my fingers twisting them anxiously as I could not bare to look at Derek when I said this. "Look Derek I've had feelings for you for along time now and I've tried to put them off but I just can't anymore." I started to say however stopped when I felt my eyes beginning to water as I looked up and saw the blank expression on his face which for me was enough for him to say that he doesn't like me back.


I was so shocked I had no idea Stiles thought this way about me however I have known something wasn't right about stiles for the past couple of weeks as he has acted stranger than usual. "Derek please say something" he muttered almost a whisper as tears were beginning to roll down his cheek the back of his hand catching them trying to hold back his tears, he looked so heartbroken and although I didn't know anything about this I couldn't help but feel awful for not saying I like him back. "Stiles I-" i was beginning to talk but then stiles spoke over me "Don't worry about it Derek it was stupid of me, just let's forget about it yeh?" He asked wide eyed staring at me and I could see the pain behind his eyes I didn't know how long he has had feelings for me but it must of been for a long time.


I felt so stupid first I tell Derek I liked him, then when he went to say something I interrupted him and told him to forget about it and broke down in front of him wow I was doing a good job at making myself look like a fool I thought suddenly taken out of my thoughts when I felt Derek press his Hand on my shoulder and looked down at me his eyes ridden with guilt. "look I have to finish training with the others but after they are all gone we can talk about this deal?" He whispered which I respected him for because it meant he was keeping this quiet from the others and even know every other part of me was telling myself not to agree I have him a swift nod of the head still staring into those loveable green eyes and he gave my shoulder a light squeeze and gestured for me to come into the house so I wasn't alone out here so I followed him through.

Everyone was just staring at us as I realised we had been sitting out their for well over an hour and there was some awkward silence at first before Derek started to instruct Erica, Boyd, Isaac and Scott to do some training exercises nothing to fancy just ordering them to do some press ups and some stretches before his last order which was for them to run around the forest me and Derek stuck together though as they all ran ahead of us Derek kept an eye on them but just kept checking on me every few minutes or so to make sure I was okay he had never done that before I didn't mind but I knew he had only started to ask how I am because of what I told him. I let out a long sigh before tuning to Derek. "Derek u don't have to keep checking I'm okay because of what I told you don't worry I'm fine." I said soothingly trying as hard as I could to make him believe I was okay when in reality I wasn't I guess it sounded selfish of me to say but deep down I was heartbroken and it hurt like hell I knew I had to get out of talking to him just don't know how to...

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