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Dean drove Sam to college because Sam doesn't have his own car. They don't have that much money but Sam doesn't care it means he appreciates everything he does get, for example going to this college he got a scholarship (my mind isn't working is that what it's called? Scholarship?). Dean parked and said "Sammy are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"
Sam shook his head, grabbed his bags and said "Dean go to your apartment move into it."
"I don't get it Sam it would have been easier if we just moved into the apartment together."
"Dean I already told you 1 the apartment you got is to far away, 2 I'm hoping to make friends when I'm in college, 3 we have shared a room since the day I was born I want to get away from you."
Dean a hand on his chest and said "Ouch. Ok see you later Sammy."
They both waved as Dean drove away.

Sam took a deep breath as he looked at the building in front of him.
He said "Ok Sam this is it you can do this."
He started walking to the building every part of him told him to run in the opposite direction but he couldn't do that now so he just powered through.

Sam after doing everything he needed to do walked up to his dorm room when he heard voices from behind him and turned around. He saw a girl and a guy, the girl said "Is that your room?" And pointed to Sam's room. Sam nodded and the guy beside her said "Oh good luck you're rooming with Satan."

Sam laughed and the girl said "He's not joking the guys name is literally Lucifer from what we've heard he lives up to the name." Sam got a little freaked now 'Great this is my first year of college and my roommate is lucifer... But I don't even know him yet I can't judge him off of what someone heard about him.'
The girl said "Well sorry about it but we will be you're friends, my name is Charlie and that's Kevin."

Sam smiled 'well this is good I have two friends now.'
Then Sam said "I'm Sam, sorry to cut this conversation short but I have to go to my room."
Sam didn't seem too excited about that and Kevin was about to say something but Charlie interrupted and said "Pass me your phone..." Sam handed hand her his phone and she started typing then she handed the phone to Kevin and he started typing. Charlie handed the phone back to Sam and said "There now you have our phone numbers."

Sam smiled as he walked into his room when he looked up no one was in the room but he hears the shower on so that must be where his roommate is.
He moved into the half of the room that has nothing and started to sort out all of his things a put them away. His laptop on the desk along with his text books, his bag on his chair,and his books in his corner. Once he put all his things away he sat down on his bed.

Sam was about to look at his phone but he got curious and looked over to his roommates side, he has most of his things organized but there are a few unopened bags in the corner. Sam laughed because his roommate also has a book pile. On the bed is a opened laptop that is on Netflix on the first season of Game Of Thrones (no spoilers because for some reason I just started watching it). This guy from what Sam could see is awesome and if he is satan then Sam thinks satan is pretty cool.

His thoughts are cut off by gorgeous guy coming out of the bathroom he has blonde hair, blue eyes that you can drown in, amazing pale body that is only covered by a towel on his waist. Sam was definitely staring at this guy who was supposed to be his roommate. He noticed Sam staring he winked and smirk at him this made Sam's whole face go red. Sam is trying to say something but he can't figure out what to say.

He said "Hey I'm lucifer and you must be my roommate." Sam nodded and said shyly "Sam.."

Now lucifer without giving Sam any notice starts to get dressed, Sam instantly started blushing because he is so pretty.

He looked down at lucifer's laptop manly at the show he is watching, lucifer takes note of this and says "I was bored so I'm watching it again. Wanna watch with me?"

Sam again tried to peace his words together but he couldn't say anything so he just nodded with an adorable little grin on his face.
Lucifer smiled and laid in the bed with Sam, he wrapped an arm around him so 'he wouldn't fall off' and pulled him close.

Lucifer is so happy in this moment because no one ever gives him a chance they usually hear a rumour about him and try to not talk to him. Sam isn't doing that him, Sam is giving lucifer a chance and hanging out with him being a real friend.
He kinda has friends but those are what people call lucifer's demons and they are only friends with him because of his reputation. The only reason he is friends with the demons is because he is tried of being alone and sad, having to act a certain way because people thing you are dead inside.

He hit play and they watched it for a while until Sam paused it and looked at lucifer and at this point it is 11:30 pm. Sam looks over at him and sits up, lucifer follows his actions and they just look at each until Sam gets up the courage to say something.
Finally he does and Sam says "W..why do you have a r...reputation for being....s..satan?"
Lucifer sighed and said "it's not true but I guess it is in ways I don't know..."
Sam can tell lucifer is trying to hold something back so he says "you can tell me I won't tell anyone, or I won't run away screaming....pinky promise." Sam childishly holds up his pinky to lucifer and he giggles and takes it.

Lucifer then says "Well the first school I went i was bullied for being small and weak. Also I was in a very religious schools so being named after the devil didn't go well. It wasn't just in school my parents and whole family was disappointed in me one day they left me somewhere...... I went to a orphanage and told them I had no family, even there i was bullied and hurt in so many ways. Finally I was adopted buy an amazing father and he took me to a better place far far away.... I was so done with being hurt and picked one so I made myself a reputation for being bad, mean, and someone you don't fuck with.... I never hurt anyone but I keep this reputation of being pretty much satan all thought high school. I never got picked on but all my friends were fake.... I hoped it would be different in college but some how it followed me here.... The friends I have here are fake nothing about me is real..... I wanted to have a roommate this year because last year my roommate asked... No begged to be switched, I hoped maybe this year it would be different but probably not.... I've never told anyone this please I'm begging you don't tell anyone..."

Sam nodded and said "Thanks for telling me and like I said pinky promise no one will ever know..... Can I tell you something?" Sam is very reluctant to tell lucifer his story but it will be better if it comes out. Lucifer nods and let's Sam continue.

"When I was younger about 7 or 8 my dad went crazy he locked me, my mom, and my older brother in our basement because he was convinced we were possessed by demons. He would rarely feed us and he would hurt us to try and get the demons out. My mom kept telling us that everything was going to be ok, and she stayed calm for us. Then one day he came downstairs with a gun and shot me that was my moms breaking point she grabbed the gun from him and shot him and he died. My brother called 911 while my mom held me and said 'I told you everything was going to be ok' my mom isn't in prison because she did it for protection also he had kidnapped us for like months. After that I was never the same.... (Sam then told lucifer about the Gabriel thing but didn't tell him Gabe's name)"
Sam started crying and lucifer pulled him in and held him until Sam whispers in his ear "Can we watch Game Of Thrones please?"

Lucifer nods and they lay back down in each other's arms and watched the show.

I was really upset because half of this chapter deleted a day ago but then because that happened that whole conversation after Game Of Thrones happened so I guess it wasn't all bad..

Hope you have a lovely day..

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