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I tried to relax and lay in the sun but it just wasn't working. I feel like i just needed to find something that will make me relax. I couldn't keep my mind of this boy. No matter how hard i tried my mind would always find its way back to this boy. Who was he?

I decided to take a quick walk by the water before i went back to the hotel because i couldn't take my mind off of him, so i decided to go take a nap. Since i flew down here i didn't have my car but it wasn't a long walk back to the hotel. About 5 minutes or so.

I got back to the hotel and as i got out of the elevator i bumped in to somebody. I quickly just apologized and went to my room, i looked back to see if the person was still there when i was placing the key card in the door and he was gone.

I decided to take a bath to calm me down before i took a nap. I knew this boy from somewhere, but i was drawing a blank his face kept replaying in my mind. Who was he? It took me a while to realize it but..... That was him. The boy from the beach.

I got undressed and got ready to get in the bath when i remembered that i had used the last of the towels in my room last night and forget to get some from the front desk. I quickly threw on my clothes and grabbed my phone and went to the front desk. I went to the front desk and asked the guy working for some towels he went to the back room and got them. I looked over to see a boy on his phone... We both looked up at the same time and realized who the other person was. I wanted to say something so bad but my mouth would not move.
" Are you the girl from the beach?" He asked.
My mouth felt like the words would never come out. I got scared and panicked.
"Yes" the would came quietly out of my mouth
" What floor is your room on" he face was just perfect
" Floor 5"
" Mine is on floor 7, Wanna walk together?"
" Sure!"
We started walking to the elevator.
" I didn't catch your name"
" Oh sorry, my name is Emily. Yours?"
" My name is Cameron"
It felt like the shortest elevator ride ever.
" Want me to walk you to your room?" Cameron asked
" If you want " i replied trying not to blush.
As we got to my room that was at the beginning of the hallway i had realized that i had forgot my room key in my room.
" umh Cameron"
" Yeah whats up?" He asked with a confused face
" This may sound dumb but... I kinda left my room keys in my room"
" oh brother" he said laughing
" Wanna come with me to go get and extra key from the front desk?"
" Sure"
On the way down Cameron passed me his phone.
" Whats this for?"
" Do you want to give me your number" he asked. He was just so cute
I gave him my phone and we exchanged numbers. I walked back to my room we said bye and i took a bath then hoped in bed.
I woke up from a text from Cameron asking him if i could call him. The phone felt like it was ringing forever.
" Hello" this voice was not Cameron's.
" Hi, is Cameron there?"
" Hello" this was Cameron's voice
" Yeah hi!"
" I was wondering if you wanted to meet me down at the pool?" Cameron asked.
How could i resist him.
" Yeah sure, how long?"
" 5 minutes?"
" Yeah that sounds fine!"
We both hung up and i looked at the clock it was 7:25pm. I was super excited to go swimming with him but then i realized something, that means i have to wear my bathing suit.....

Why? Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt