First date?

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"Hey when do you think he'll call?"
   Dalia looked at me nervously and replied," I don't know. Maybe he was kidding. I mean we're fans and not the only ones might I say."
    I had this funny feeling in my gut. I was nervous. I took out my camera and started looking back at my pictures. As I scroll through them I see pictures of Ethan and I. We look cute, I wish we were together longer.
    As I came across the picture of Ethan shirtless, Dalia's phone rang.
"Oh my lord, it's Grayson...."
    Dalia picked up her phone and started talking. I put my camera down. Listening, waiting.
"Uh hello? Oh hi Grayson! Yeah it's me Dalia. Um yeah. Ohh ok, no don't worry about it! Ok sounds great!"
    She hung up the phone and looked over at me.
"Stop being a weirdo, what did he say!" I said nervously.
"OH MY GOSH! Ok ok... At what time?" I asked.
" Right now. We're gonna meet them over there after we change. They said there's a wonderful outdoor restaurant, and we can walk around a little."
    Dalia looked so happy, I've never seen her this happy before. Wait... But it's dark outside. It's literally 11:00 pm.
"Dalia it's really late."
"It's fine hey have lights all around. Cmon Sammy, don't worry! You'll have Ethan to protect you!" She said with a wink.
    "Fine. Ok let's go!"
    We drove to the hotel, windows down, and Beyoncé blasting through the speakers! This was gonna be an interesting night.
"Dalia c'mon! We're gonna be late!"       "I'm sorry!"
    Fuck, where is it? Oh here it is. I turn the key and push the door open. We both went to our rooms. It was a comfy hotel room. We had a kitchen, a living room, 2 bedrooms, which both had their own bathroom in it. It's great, I'm glad we live together, it makes everything more fun.
    I dug through my drawers and found a cute 2 piece maroon bikini, and I'll put a white sleeveless shirt with blue jean shorts. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and quickly just applied some waterproof mascara. I don't really like makeup, I like being natural.
     I doubt we're gonna get wet, but it's the beach, there's sand EVERYWHERE.
"Dalia are you ready!" Sam screamed
    I walk out of my room and see Sam in a grey tank-top and shorts. She had a neon green bikini under.
"Damn you're gonna make me look like shit!" I told Sam.
"Whatever! You look great!"
    We both started laughing but was interrupted by the ding from my phone.
Grayson💕: Hey cutie, u ready?😝
Me: yessir😊Where do we meet u?
Grayson💕:We'll pick you up. Just txt me the address💩
Me: poop emoji??? Lmao ok *sends address*
Grayson💕: what it's cute! Ok we're headed over there.
    I looked up at Sam and told her they were gonna pick us up. We both sat down with a bag of chips watching Dexter on my MacPro. About ten minutes later we heard knocking on the door.                                               "I got it!"
    Before I knew it Sam was sprinting to the door, camera in one hand and a cup of Sprite in the other. Here goes nothing.
    Sam opened the door as I heard Ethan and Grayson greet  her. I stood up and saw Grayson. Darn he's so cute! Grayson was wearing his pink cap backwards with a white t shirt and pink shorts. As of Ethan he was wearing a grey shirt with blue shorts.
" you look beautiful." Grayson said.      "I can say the same thing about you. I mean wait no. You're not a girl. I mean you look great." I stuttered.
    We both chuckled and turned for the door seeing Sammy and Ethan walking out the door hand in hand. Right then I felt Grayson's hand slip into mine. I looked at him and smiled as we walked towards his car.
"Gray you can drive." Ethan said while opening the back car door for Sammy.
"Alright. Dalia you can sit up front with me." 
    I sat upfront and he saturated driving, one hand on the wheel, other holding mine on the console. We finally arrived at the restaurant, and got off. Ethan and Sammy were ahead, I guess they were gonna get the table reserved for us all.
Ethan's POV:
    Sammy was beautiful. I knew the moment she walked in I was gonna fall for her. She's beautiful and caring and funny. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we went to go reserve a table.
    While I was reserving Sammy walked off, so when I was done I turned and saw Grayson and his girl Dalia. I know my brother, he likes her. Especially since he wouldn't shut up about her after the meet and greet. She's nice and pretty. I'm happy for him.
    Then to my left I saw Sammy with her camera to her face taking pictures of the beach, the moon the shoreline. She's good at photography. I walked next to her, and touched her shoulder.
"Oh my gosh you scared me!" Sammy shrieked with a little hop.
"Oh sorry, you take nice pictures. Can I see?"
"Sure!" She replied with a smile.
    She handed me the camera, and as I scrolled through the picture I came across the one's from the concert. I saw one of me! I'm shirtless. I looked up at Sammy and she realized what I came across. She quickly took the camera and apologized.
"I'm so sorry! It's just I mean you look great!" Her face was turning red.
"Hey it's okay. Don't be embarrassed haha. It's just a picture!"
I took her camera back and snapped one of her as she looked at the side smiling. Gosh she's gorgeous.
"There. Now that's a great picture. Get in front of the camera once in a while!" I told her. She smiled.
"Hey Ethan! Come sit down!" Grayson shouted from the table.
I grabbed Sammys hand and guided her to the table. Grayson and Dalia had already ordered and were in a weird conversation about who knows what. But I liked the way Grayson and Dalia looked at eachother. They seem to be very fond of eachother. I think I like Sammy. A lot, but does she feel the same way?i looked over at her and she smiled. I hope so.
Dalia's POV:
After all of us ate our food, Ethan and Sammy decided to order desert. Grayson and I were filled up, so we decided to take a walk in the beach. Grayson was talking about his past and family and he showed me pictures on his phone.
"Yeah I have a sister named Cameron, she's nice I think she would like you! And it's great you like sports because so do I."
Grayson would talk and I would listen, but I couldn't stop staring at his face. The way the moon reflected off of him, his jawline and messy hair, his piercing to his white bright smi-
Shoot. I've been staring!
"Uh yeah what's up haha." I replied
"I was asking if you wanted to get in the water? Ya know not so deep but up to our knees?" Grayson asked.
"Oh, yeah!"
As I took off my shorts and Grayson took his shirt off. After that he picked me up off of the floor, racing towards the water.
Grayson stepped in a hole and had us both crash into the water. I then got up and splashed water at him. He started laughing. His laugh was mesmerizing.
"Haha you're super light!" He said
"Haha I workout but I'm stronger than you!" I shouted running from him back to shore.
"Oh no you aren't! You're little legs can't carry you far!" He was right.
In a split second he caught up and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my back towards his chest, leaning his head on my neck. I turned around and looked at him. We both were out of breath.
"You're really beautiful."
"Thank you."
"Um I know it's soon but I need to ask you something." I not for him to continue," will you be my girlfriend?"
My mind went blank. Grayson asking me to be his girlfriend. Oh my gosh! I looked at his face, he seemed scared. I've been quiet too long.
"Of course I will." I replied smiling.
He hugged me and pulled away to grab my face. He leaned in, but stopped as we both pulled away at the sudden flash we saw at the corner of our eyes. I felt myself turn red and saw Grayson look at me. Samantha and Ethan were laughing at the deck taking pictures on Samantha's camera. We got out of the water, put our clothes back on and headed back to the restaurant hand in hand. Then it hit me. I'm Grayson Dolans girlfriend.
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Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 Sorry it was extremely long!Rate this if u want ⭐️ keep posted there's more to come! You can follow me on Instagram @daliaabigail0408 or my fan account @dolanzfan2678 <- that's also my Twitter username! 💕love y'all! Stay beautiful xoxo -Dalia

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