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I end up getting detention at break for a few minutes then walk out to the field and sit down with selina. I look around and spot all the girls walking over to me.. "oh! Meredith! We have a dare for you if you aren't a lil chicken" she smirks and looks at her friends. Selina widens her eyes and sarts to shake her head. She whispers to me several time "don't.. don't except it.. please.." I look at her then back at the group of girls. "Ok what's the dare?..." I say hoping it's not bad. "Oh just to pretend to be a boy at the all boys school over the road. I wanna know if you can do it for over a week. If you do. We promise that you can hang with us" she smirks wider me contemplating on doing it...
"Don't do it M... they must be lying.." sel says hoping for my answer to be no.

"I'll do it... it could be kinda cool to meet some guys" I say and look down kinda worried. The girls all smirk now at me looking at eachother shocked that i said yes. "Great!! Well do your makeover tonight, bring your friends to see if it's convincing and you'll start the school tomorrow morning.. we have all the uniform, my brother goes their and it'll be great!" She fake smiles and said it like it sounds such a good thing and walks away..

"You idiot!" Katie says and sighs. "This'll only end bad for you M!"

Well it's worth a try...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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