Sleepy Seamus

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I'm bored and tired so I'm going to make sleepy Seamus and see what my mind comes up with. I apologize in advance.

"Maga Mumba hotdogs, ah yes hotdogs, not a really good friend of mine." Seamus mumbled sleepily in his first lesson, which was History of Magic.

Everybody loved sleepy Seamus, even the Slytherins. Whether he was asleep or awake he was talking, usually when he was more on the tired side he was entertaining. He usually sprouted nonsense and said his thought aloud without realizing it. This was a blessing and a curse, but mostly a blessing in this situation...

Last night particularly was when Seamus couldn't go to sleep, not even for a minute.

Anxious thoughts and feelings clouded his mind making him unable to go to sleep, all which were about his mother who was currently ill. He was thinking over a difficult decision he was force to make before the term was over. Which was whether or not he was going to leave Hogwarts and take care of his mother.

His mother had been trying to persuade to over the course of the week and always made Seamus feel extremely guilty if he show any signs of wanting to stay at Hogwarts. Which Seamus thought was extremely unfair of her to do so.

And that's how he got to mumbling about hotdogs in his History lesson.

Everyone around him was really entertain and didn't bother to try and wake him up fully. They would all rather sit and listen to Seamus mumble about what's wrong with hotdogs then listen to Binns read from an old book.

Unfortunately his best friend, Dean Thomas, wasn't here to see Seamus' usual morning ramblings. His potions essay kept him late until the early hours of the morning and had slept in 20 minutes late.

So when Dean ran in the middle of their lesson late with his shirt inside out and almost half way unbutton it wasn't a surprise that Seamus unknowingly commented about Dean's sudden appearance.

"Oh there's Dean. I wondered when he was finally going to come, that lazy bloke, couldn't finish an essay before the deadline if his life depended on it." Dean chuckled lightly, being familiar with sleepy Seamus had all.

"Motherfucker, he looks like a mess, a hot mess though, very incredible gorgeous sexy mess." Dean raised one eyebrow, is this what Seamus usually thought when he was looking at him?

"It's so unfair, he is obnoxiously handsome. If I wasn't his friend I would punch him in the face so that he wouldn't look so perfect 24/7. But that wouldn't work anyways...with his smile and his eyes and his fucking collar bones..." Many people began sniggering and Dean had a large blush on his face, but he wasn't exactly hating the extra attention. "And oh my god his ass, that was an ass made from the Gods.

Some of the things Seamus mentioned about Dean and about what he wanted Dean to do to him were uh..not appropriate enough to be discussed casually in a classroom.

Dean may have not minded the extra attention, he quite enjoyed it actually, But he wished when speaking out loud Sea would somehow keep his thoughts censored.

That boy rarely thought about anything that didn't involve Dean, it was amazing how much Seamus could find a millions different reason to think about Dean. From how attractive Dean was to how talented Dean was in art.

Dean wasn't disgusted or creeped out, he was quite flattered. Especially because this was Seamus.

Seamus didn't fully wake up and stop mumbling until around lunch time, and Seamus sleep thoughts somehow got all over the school, everyone from different years now knew that Seamus Finnigan was quite fascinated with Dean Thomas' collarbones.

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