What lurks in the dark

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Let me just be blunt and state the truth: life is hard. Fact? Yes. How can I prove this? Well, it is scientifically proven by the most reliable scientist, me. I got my education at a university called S.O.M.L. A.k.a. story of my life; I earned my degree in how to give the people the truth and not give a fuck. It was a very challenging course. Oh, who am I kidding? This is the easiest thing to learn because this is when you stop lying and spending all your energy trying to be nice.

Fact number two: I am a sarcastic piece of shit. 

Fact number three: before anyone starts thinking that I am smart, I'm going to stop giving "facts".

Currently, I lay on the floor where the rest of my family sleeps. After a hard day of work, we are beyond tired. The closest thing to compare our exhaustion to is a unicorn running so fast that it trips and its horn gets stuck in the ground and it is unable to stand on its feet again. The only thing about this comparison is that my family nor I are as graceful or praised as unicorns. The sound of leaves crunching in our autumnal weather quickly brings me to my feet. Rather than laying restlessly I decide to act productively. I make a run toward the exit not forgetting to grab my slingshot. This time of season only means one thing: hunting season. Quietly, I take a few steps towards the trees in hopes to find tomorrows meal. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something move. A subtle sound of the trees rustling is another hint I am able to pick up. Luckily, I find my prey. Silently and slowly, I make my way towards the squirrel desperately hoping that no one is here to fight me over this animal. Just as I find the perfect moment to duck and grab a rock from the ground, I hear footsteps behind me which makes me sprint as does the furry animal. 

Branches slap my face and bugs stick to my chest. I am so far into the woods and I do not recognize where I am. This late at night is not when I should be wandering alone. When I no longer hear steps, a hand firmly grips my shoulder which instantly increases the beat of my heart. Before I have time to say or shout anything, another hand comes up from behind me and up to my mouth to seal it shut. Minty breath whispers in my ear "sshhhhhhh" as their lips graze my earlobe. Panicked, my eyes gather in my surroundings and my breath becomes unnecessarily heavy. In this moment, weakness noticeably present within me, they grabbed both of my arms and held them firmly behind me. Suddenly, something is pulled over my head and lights go out.


An immense sensation of pain pulses throughout my head and this is the only thing I can hear. The blood rushes to my head and dizziness overcomes me. The difficulty of trying to focus on what is going on around me is nearly impossible. My eyelashes graze my cheeks and the ground. Cold concrete kisses my cheek as does the dirt on the floor. It sends chills down my spine. With my blurred vision, I am able to make out five people standing heavily armed. Feebly, I make an attempt to stand up but clearly that's the wrong decision when all of the weaponry is pointed towards me.

"What's going on?" I ask dumbly. I get no response and only the heavy breathing remains in the room. The people with the guns are dressed in all black. Their shirts are tight muscle tee's made out of thick cotton while their arms are decorated with tattoos and fishnets. Their legs are adorned with simple black jeans and combat boots. Some of them show more skin on their arms than others. I can see no ones face due to the masks that lay on their profile; the only thing that I am able to see are their eyes and skin color.

In this moment is when my head begins to clear up and I hear rustling beside me. Along my side lay seven other bodies. Again, I make an attempt to rise and then one of the guards yells at me to lay back down in a demanding voice. To show that I mean no harm, I move at the pace of a snail and get to my knees with my hands behind my head. Maybe fighting with these people isn't exactly the best decision. I am not willing to take the risk and find out which is why I play it safe. Fully surrendered, I mutter," What do you want from us?" Once again no one answers and instead they look at the floor. My blood begins to boil and I ask again much harsher with my teeth clenched," What do you want from us?" This time, the guards look at each other and I am able to make out slight facial movement behind those masks in this dimly lit room. Either they find this amusing or they think that this is a serious moment and I am willing to bet the squirrels bottom half that it is not the second option.

A door from the side catches my attention and at this moment is when the guards demand for everyone to be in my position- on their knees with their hands behind their heads. Everyone did so just as the door knob turned and inside entered a slender man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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