Going Home

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Read the ENTIRE authors note at the bottom. I have good news for you guys.

"Is that everything?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, I think that's it. Thank you guys so much for helping me, and I'm so sorry that I don't remember you guys." Maddie told us.

We were all standing in the living room helping Maddie pack. No one was happy she was leaving, but we all understood why she needed to go.

Ash and I were the saddest out of everyone. We would both constantly ask each other if the other was okay. I felt so bad for him.

I had been watching him all day, making sure he was okay. He hasn't said a word all day, and he had been locked in his room since yesterday. Anyone with eyes could see that he was devastated.

All of a sudden, Ash ran across the room and hugged Maddie. No one was expecting that.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry this happened to you. I love you Maddie, please never forget that." He told her while not letting go of her.

For a split second, I could see in her eyes that she remembered. She remembered who he was. She remembered it all. But it was fine just as soon as it came.

She shook her head as if erasing that second out of her head.

"Umm... Yeah. Okay." She said backing away from Ash.

He couldn't handle it anymore. I saw a tear roll down his face, and he ran upstairs. Niall ran after him this time.

"Well... Umm.. We should get to the airport. Your flight leaves in an hour." I told Maddie trying not to cry myself.

"Okay. Bye everyone! It's been nice talking to you. I'm sorry I don't remember anyone." She announced.

I heard a bunch of scattered goodbyes and byes and yeah.

I grabbed my keys and we walked out the door.

It was a 15 minute drive to the airport, and the entire time, we were both silent. No one else had come with me except Maddie obviously.

We finally arrived at the airport. In parked and we grabbed her bags out of the trunk. We walked to the entrance, and we went through all of the procedures you have to go through to get on a plane.

All we had left to do was wait.

We walked around the airport for a while. We decided to get some food and sit down. She only had about 20 minutes till her flight.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked me.

"Yeah, sure."

"Was Ash.. Like.. My boyfriend or something." She asked me.

The look in her eye told me that she felt terrible for forgetting everyone, but it wasn't her fault.

"Yeah." I told her. "Ash was your boyfriend, I was your best friend, Zoie and Sami were your other best friends. Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis are the boys if One Direction. Ash, Luke, Mikey, and Calm are the boys of 5SOS. Karlee is my sister, and Alex is her boyfriend. Brayden and Dylan are bodyguards, but have become more like family. I think that's everyone...." I told her.

"Whoa. I didn't know that I was so close to everyone. I feel so bad that I don't remember you guys." She said looking down.

"It wasn't your fault." I whispered.

All of a sudden, her flight was called.

"I guess I should go." She turned as round and hugged me. "Thank you for being there, even if I don't remember much about you, I can tell that we were best friends. So thank you."

"Your welcome." I said with tears in my eyes. "Now don't miss your flight."

She started walking away. She was only ten feet from the gate when all of a sudden, something happened.

"Wait!!" Someone screamed.

I turned around to see Ash running towards Maddie.

He stopped for a second to catch his breath, then spoke.

"Maddie. You mean the world to me. I can't imagine my life without you. I want to do anything and everything I can to help you remember me. To remember all of us. That's why I'm coming with you. You have no say in this. I've already called your mom, packed my bags, and bought a ticket. I love you Maddie, and I'm never letting you go. Especially not like this."

"Umm... Okay. I can obviously tell that we loved each other. Who knows, maybe having you with me will help me recover my memory. Let's go!" She told him.

Ashton came over to me and gave me a hug.

"Bye Lily. Keep an eye on everyone for me."

"Okay I will. You keep an eye on Maddie for me. We need to keep each other updated. Bye Ash. Tell Cerise I said hi."

"I will. Goodbye."

They started walking back towards the gate.

They're gonna come back though. The look in Maddie's eye, and Ash determination told me that it wouldn't be too long.

Before they had left my sight, he hugged her. He hugged her like his life depended on it. She hugged back. And for the second time today, I saw that look in her eye that told me that she was starting to remember. And this time. She didn't shake it away. She embraced it.

I'm so sorry for you fans of Maddie, but there are great things coming your way. Also, I HIT 500 READERS!!!!! You guys have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you guys soooooo much!! I wanna do something for you guys, so comment some ideas! Thank you guys so much!!!
- The author whose fans mean the world to her.

Once In A LifetimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora