“You ok?”

Dean whipped his head to face Cas. His eyes were apologetic.

“He just reminds me of someone that’s all.”

Cas nodded, not wanting to question him further.

Adam and Jo left and Cas turned to Dean.

“I get the idea you don’t like Adam much.” Cas noted Dean’s clenched fists and the anger in his eyes.

“That would be an understatement.” Dean hurried to leave the café. “Look Cas I gotta go. I’ll text you.” Cas watched his boyfriend leave in confusion but decided to brush it off and focussed on making coffee.

Jo left the Café with Adam and he showed her to his car.

“Wow! This is yours?”

Adam’s car was a red mini cooper and the roof had the union jack on it. Adam blushed at Jo’s enthusiasm.

“Yeah... it’s not that great-“

“No! I love it!” Jo smiled as she saw a smile creep onto Adam’s face. They got in and Adam started the engine.

“So where are you taking us?”

“You’ll see.”

Jo rolled her eyes Adam laughed.

They drove for about ten minutes until Adam pulled up outside a fairground.

“Adam! You took me to a fairground for our first date?” Jo smirked.

“Everyone loves fairgrounds Jo!” Adam laughed as he got out of the car and walked round to help Jo out. He opened the door and held his hand out for Jo.

Jo took his hand and together they walked towards the entrance.

Adam paid for their entrance and they walked in. There was loud music playing and flashing lights. Jo loved the bright colours of the fairground and, though she didn’t let on, Adam could not have picked a better place for their date.

“Which ride do you want to go on first?” Adam asked and Jo pretended to think really hard.

“too long! I get to chose.” Jo shrieked as Adam picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

“Adam put me down!” Jo managed to say between laughter and eventually Adam put her down. And Jo put her hands on her hips but before she could say anything Adam grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the spinning teacup ride.

“O god no! I hate these things.”

“Oh c’mon Jo it’ll be fun!”

Jo pouted but Adam just sent her a mocking smile. She groaned and followed him onto the ride. They were strapped in and Jo grabbed Adam’s arm.

“You owe me so badly for this.” She sent him a death glare and they both burst out laughing. The ride started and Jo squeezed her eyes shut and held tighter onto Adam’s arm.

“I hate you so much!” Jo shouted but she was drowned out by the noise of the fairground.

“Sorry babe! Can’t hear you!” Adam laughed and kissed her on the forehead.

The ride finished and Jo stumbled off. Her knees gave way but Adam caught her before she fell to the ground.

“Woah. Let’s go get some food and sit down shall we?” Jo laughed and nodded. They found a hot dog stand and sat down on a bench.

“So. Tell me a bit about you.” Jo started.

“Well, I’m Adam Milligan. I’m 20 years old. Born in Windom. Studied at University of Wisconsin but I dropped out. Dad left when I turned 12. Mum died last year. Try to get work where I can. Right now I’m working at the department store here.”


“Oh it’s fine. I’m over it I mean, I adapted. Your turn.”

“Ok. Joanna Beth Harvelle but do not call me Joanna.” Adam laughed. “Grew up in Nebraska with my mum. Dad died when I was really young so I hardly remember him. Run the café with my mum.”

“Favourite colour?”

Jo gave a confused laugh. “Blue. Why?”

“Just wondering.”


“My favourite colour?” Jo nodded.

“Mm... Probably red.”

“least favourite fairground ride.”

Without thinking Adam answered. “Ferris wheel- No WAIT.” Jo smirked and pulled him to his feet.

“You made me go on those god awful teacups so you are coming on the ferris wheel.”

“Nononononono!” Adam laughed as Jo marched them towards the bright red flashing wheel at the centre of the park.

They waited in line. “Why don’t you like them?”

“They’re high up! I’m scared of heights, well, more of falling from heights.”

“Awww” Jo gave him a hug and pulled him into one of the pods.

Jo could feel Adam’s hand squeeze hers as the ride started up and kissed him on the cheek. “You’ll be fine.”

Adam glared at her and she laughed. “Serves you right.”

The ride finished and they walked back to the car. On the way out Adam bought two sticks of candyfloss. He handed Jo the blue one.

Adam pulled up outside the café.

“Thanks for an amazing day Adam.”

“No. Thank you for making it amazing.” Jo blushed and pulled Adam towards her. Their lips met and Jo felt like she was flying. They broke apart and Jo smiled. She gave him one more peck on the lips before getting out of the car. She waved as he pulled away and pushed the door open. Cas was working behind the counter and smiled when she walked in.

“Jo! How did I go?”

“It was amazing! He’s amazing Cassie!”

Cas laughed as Jo spun him round. He could practically see the hearts in her eyes as she sauntered off to her room. 

A fresh startHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin