Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots

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"Hey." I said with a smile

His brown eyes soon found mine "Hey. You look great."

"Thanks." I said with a small smile "So is Charlotte here yet? Have you seen her?" I asked looking around

"Yup." Was all he said

"Well where is she?" I asked

Nate's hand went on my waist turning me around while his other one pointed somewhere. It took me a few seconds to focus on where he was pointing because the feeling of his hands on my waist send chills up my spine.

My gaze followed his finger eventually and I spotted Charlotte and James talking all by themselves with smiles on both their faces.

"Well looks like our job is done."

"I bet they'll hook up by the end of the party." He said in my ear still standing behind me

I turned around facing him and punched his arm playfully "Shut up."

"So why are you on your own?" He asked

"Well Demi's sick so she had to stay home" I lied. "And I've send Stella to bring us some alcohol."

"Alright." He said with a smile

"Why are you on your own?" I asked with a smirk

"Well James is occupied, I talked with some people but most of my friends are somewhere around here picking up girls."

"And why aren't you with them?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"I kind of have my eyes set on someone already." He said with a smile looking at me straight in the eyes.

Why does he do things like this? He says things like that and I feel like a 15year old who likes the captain of the Football team and blushes when he looks at her.

"I'm here." Stella said holding up a bottle of vodka "And that" she said pointing at the guy who I think is Chris "Decided to join me."

"That?" The guy asked placing a hand over his chest "I'm hurt Stella."

"Good." She said on full bitchy mode.

That's my girl.

"Stop messing with the girls Chris" Nate said chuckling

"I'm just kidding man." Chris said

I butted in "So are we gonna open this thing up or not?" I said pointing to the bottle in Stella's hand.

"I swear you're an alcoholic." Nate said opening up the bottle

"Give me a break. I get to drink seldomly so sue me for enjoying a couple" I stopped myself because of the look he gave me "...dozen of drinks. Whatever."

He chuckled and filled a red cup for me "Here you go."

He filled his cup, Stella's and Chris' too and we started having small talk.

~2 hours later~

I leaned against the sink in Stella's kitchen while she was getting a new bottle of tequila for me. "Grab me a couple of shot glasses too. Nate said I can't beat him."

She chuckled and handed me the bottle of tequila, she struggled a bit to walk straight when she walked over opening a small cabinet. She grabbed the glasses and walked ovet to me handing them over.

"Thanks Stel."

"Be carefull with that."

"He was the one who challenged me. I'll prove him wrong." I said before walking out of the kitchen.

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