Chapter Two

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I unfold the paper and what I see is nothing ....its blank.... WHAT THE HELL!! I did all of this for nothing?

Just as I'm about to squeeze the paper in my hand I feel that its wet from the sides. I open it up and start to examine the page from all sides after that I try to smell it, it smells like lemon.

Ahan!! So he used the invisible ink.

I guess I'll just have to wait to get to my office as I haven't got any lighter to use it on the paper.

After twenty minutes I'm at my office entrance . I rush towards my office and open my door and I see Ahsan sitting on sofa doing something on his cellphone. He lifts his head up.

Hey! You're back.. thank God, I was worried. What took you took so long? and I was about to call you.

I'm fine... I say in frustration

So did you find anything?

Yup! I did


This! I found it in his diary and I was about to read it before...


Sham was about to enter the room and I climbed out of the window, luckily he didn't see me.

Ayla! What would happen if something would've happened to you? What if you were caught? I told you I was coming with you...but you just don't listen to me.

But nothing happened Ahsan... besides its my job and I can take care of my self, I always have so stop freaking out like something really big has happened.

I saw concern and anger on his face somethings not right, he's been acting so weird these last couple of days I wonder what's wrong with him. I've asked him so many times if something's been bothering him but he won't tell me . I guess I'll just leave him to it until he himself feels comfortable telling me.

I push my thoughts away and come back to reality.

Ahsan bring me that candle over there. He then went to grab it and lit the candle .

We both sat on our chairs and I unfold the paper.

Here let me do it,Ahsan said

He takes the paper from me and starts to move it near the candle after some seconds the words start to appear.

Here you go. I think its some sort of letter and I think its for Jade,Ahsan said.

Show me... when I take the letter from him I start to read it and here's what's written on it

Dear Jade,
I just wanna tell you that I love you from the moment I saw you at the store and I just want you to know that I wanna spend the rest of my life loving you . I can do anything to have you even if I have to kill Sam, I would do anything and I mean it so next time I show up I don't want you to be running away from me cause believe me if you do that I swear I'll not spare anyone you love just to have you with me. If you tell anyone about this then there'll be consequences . Meet me on Friday at the lake near your house.
Love Sham

He's planning on killing Sam and take her away..... I've to stop him.

Ayla! Don't worry we will stop him. We just have to think of a plan.

Yea! you're right. We have to think of a plan to put an end to it.

I then started to reread it ...suddenly I jump from my seat.

That's it! I've got it I've got it... I started to jump and Ahsan is standing next to me wondering what's wrong with me.

What? Do you have a plan Ayla?

Yup... I said by popping the 'P'

Call Jade and Sam and also the rest of the staff.

Not until you tell me... he passed me a smile.

I will tell you with the if you'll at least call for a meeting in the meeting room and I'll call Jade and Sam .

Okay ma'am! ..oh by the way its good to see you smiling again.

I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

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