"You owe him nothing!" Jake took a step closer to her and held her firmly by the shoulders. You might be able to lie to yourself but you can't lie to me. The reason why you still decided to continue with Mr. Osbourne's little plan is because you wanted a reason to still work with Dimitri. As much as you are pissed with him now you like being around the douche bag."

"Wait what. I-. No-, Pfft! I don't! I can't stand him!" Valarie defended.

"Oh really? If you can't stand the guy so much then why did you give up on the opportunity of not having to work with him?"

"Because I uh- . Pfft! We're going to be late. Let's go!"

Valarie spun around on the balls of her feet and trotted out the door. Jake smiled, shook his head and followed after her.

Ashley was on edge. She'd only been at the venue for about ten minutes now and have proven to be quite a celebrity. At every corner, every turn she made, someone hailed her out and bestowed her with compliments and well wishes. They expressed their excitement to see the line of clothing she had to show this time. This only made her more nervous and determined to ensure that Valarie's designs made it out as hers once again. If she could keep Valarie out of the dresser rooms, they'll be more than able to pull it off. Kyle had so far cleared all the doubts she had a bout him. Initially she that that it was a scheme but after seeing him pull through with the plan, Ashley really thought that she had him on her side.

She walked hastily to the dressing room to see if things were under control. Dimitri had left Kyle to handle things backstage while he mingled with his parents and friends.

"Kyle!" she hailed him out and signalled him to walk over to her.

Her entire being annoyed him but he plastered on a fake smile and walked towards her.

Ashley looked around to ensure that no one was within hearing distance of them.

"Hey I'm just checking in to make sure that everything is going as planned."

"Oh yes. It sure is girl. There is no need to worry. I already started to fit some of the models into their gorgeous designs....Which you made of course."

She squealed in excitement. "Yes! I can't wait. I'm already so famous. I'll be a legion after this one because these are even better than the last."

Kyle gritted his teeth but maintained his composure. Ashley took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.

"Okay since you are the host this time, I'll have to take a back seat but I trust that you'll do an even better job than I did last time."

With that, she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek then left to return outside.

"Ewww!" Kyle squirmed as he wiped her lipstick from his face. "Never trust anybody sister" he mumbled as she disappeared behind the door. He didn't lie about having the plan under control except it was his plan and merely hers. The last time the joke was on everyone else but this time the joke's on her. The villain never gets the last laugh. He trotted back to the dressing room to ensure that both Ashley and Valarie get what they deserve.

Once again the group find themselves tight knitted in the same area. Nikolai and his family, Ashley, Valarie and Jake sat in the same row, awaiting the start of the show. An awkward air swirled around which caused even Dimitri to be crippled with tension. Whether or not his plan worked out to be how he planned it or not, the bottom line was that he was going to expose the truth to everyone tonight. His plan would just make it a bit more spicy.

"Valarie so am I finally going to see your pieces tonight?" Mrs. Osbourne asked eagerly.

"No I'm sorry. I decided to sit this one out. I just did the sketches but I didn't actually make them."

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