the new boy

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Jays POV
I look around in the lunch room looking for someone who looks like me a little but all I see is preps in till my eye catches a beautiful girls with black and blue hair and gorgeous blue eyes in the corner
I see her looking at me and smile she looks away and I head toward her and sit downs in front of her and smiles
"Hi I'm jay "
I think how stupid I sound why couldn't I have said something kool god
She smiles "hi I'm jas nice to meet you "
I bite my lip and smile as I start to speack a girl with blonde hair dressed in a pink and blue dress sits next to me and turns me to face her
"Hi cuite what's your names mines lily "
I look weired and rolls my eyes
"Jay hi lily what can I do for you "
She giggles "well how about you take me on date"
I look at jas and smile
"I would but I'm already taking out jas here "she looks at jas in disgust "this freack whatever your lost "she gets up and prances off I smile at jas
"So how about me and you a date"
She blushes and bites her lip witch makes her look adorable
"Sure when "
"Tonight at 8"
"Okay "
The bell rings and she dispaers into the crowd and I smile thinking I just made the best move since I got here

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