Chapter Two

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"Oh my gosh, have you been crying?" asked Calypso. "What? Crying? No," I said giving Frank that said 'say anything about last night and die.' "Well it sure looks like you have been," ahh can't she just drop it. "Oh my gosh, I got it, are you pregnant?" my eyes got bigger at that. "Pregnant? Really you think I'm pregnant?" I yelled back at my sister. "Well you've been crying,"

No I haven't,"

"You're having mood swings,"

"Am not,"

"And last week you keep throwing up,"

"That was food sickness, and you know that," she was really starting to piss me off.

"Oh and you've grown about a cup size in the last few weeks," okay she had pushed me to far.

"Yeah, okay you got me I'm pregnant 'cause I have so slept with some guy. 'Cause I'm just that stupid," I was beyond pissed off at her. I stormed out of the kitchen and into another room. I could just made out someone saying "no, no it's okay I got her," but I just kept walking till I had made it through three rooms and was now sitting on a desk in an office that looked like it had never be used.

"There you are," Frank said coming into the office.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to anyone."

"Well you just talked to me so you must want to a little bit."

I looked up at him then said "I'm not pregnant, I don't even know why my sister would say I was."

"Well, that's good to know, But why won't you just tell her the truth?"

"Because when I was little I told myself that I would never again cry and if I did, not in frount of people. I broke both of those in one night, I can't believe it."

"You know that letting someone see you cry is not a bad thing, right?"

"It is when you get called cry baby for the better part of your life."

"Why would someone call you that?"

"I would get pick on for not even knowing my father's name let alone who he is, so I would cry and I cried last night because I have lost everything but my sister and it's like my whole world is crashing around me."

"Wait what do you mean by you have 'lost everything'?"

"Calypso and I don't have a home any more, all we do have is the close on our backs and each other, that's it."

"You....... you don't.......... wait then what are you going to do about sleeping and eating and stuff like that?"

"I don't know" I said shrugging.

"I can't just let you.... or your sister leave here without know you'll be okay."

"I don't know what to say, Frank we can't just stay here for the rest of our life."

"Yes, you can."

"What? No we can't. I can't take more from Thomas."

"But I can, if he thinks his just keeping you and your sister here because I asked then he can't say no."

"But I can" I said coping him, "I'm not going to let you trick Thomas into letting us stay."

"Trick him? If you think I'm a bad person 'cause I don't want you and your sister homeless for the rest of your life then so be it. But I know Thomas better then you and I know that he wont let you leave without being sure you're okay................. Why wont you let me help you?"

"Because.......," I knew what I wanted to say, that I had never had someone to help me, and that I didn't know how to let someone help me, but all I said was "I don't know you that well."

"You know what? If you leave we never get to know each other," he walk up to the desk and put his hands on either side of me, on the desk, "now do you really want that."

His sweet breath washed over my face, "" He looked me straight in the eye and said "that's what I thought. now please let me help you."

"No, Frank we will be fine. How I don't know but we will."

"I can't just let you walk out of my life," he said more to himself then me.

"You don't have a chose, my sister and I are leaving, just.......... get over it," it almost hurt to say this to him.

" No do you know what I'm going to do," he said backing up to the door, he opened it and yelled, "Thomas can you come here please."

I eyes had grown big as he had said this. It didn't take long for him to get to the office "what's up."

"The girls can't leave."

"And why not?"

"Because they have no where to go."

"Is this true?" Thomas asked me, I just looked at the floor and said nothing.

"I'm going to take that as a yes."

"Thomas! Do you know what Calypso just told us?" Zak said coming in to the office with everyone else.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that they have no where to go."

"How did you know?"

Thomas just waved a hand at Frank and me.

"That's a good point," Zak said.

"Well it doesn't matter we can't stay," I said not looking at the guy.

"Why not?" asked Johnathan

"Because that would be asking for to much."

"No it wont," Frank fought back.

"Yes it would," I yelled at him.

"No it wont"

"Yes it would"

"What is with the yelling I could hear you all the way in the kitchen?" said a women walking in to the office, "oh who's this?"

"Jammy this is Syrena, Syrena this is my wife Jammy," Thomas said rapping his arm around her waist. "And Jammy this is her sister Calypso."

"Now what were you two fighting about?" Jammy asked looking at Frank then me."Nothing," we both said at the some time.

"Yeah, okay you two stick with that story."

"Fine Syrena and Calypso have no where to live and so we think they should stay here but Syrena is to hard head to let help them."

"Well I think you girls should stay at least till you can get a job and get money for your own place."

"I don't know. It's just would be to much to ask for."

"Sweetie it's fine come on stay a few weeks I could really use some girls in this crazy house. Do you think you could stay for me?"


"Come on, Syrena, a few weeks wouldn't hurt anyone and we can't just Leave her here with all these guys. they could kill her."

"Hey!!!" all the guys yelled.

I laugh at them "well I guess for a little while."


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