Prolugue: what we look like

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My little sis:

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My little sis:

My main bullies aka the jocks:

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My main bullies aka the jocks:

My main bullies aka the jocks:

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The layed back skater kid:

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The layed back skater kid:

The goths (my favs because there actually nice to me):

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The goths (my favs because there actually nice to me):

The goths (my favs because there actually nice to me):

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My friend, aka the main jandall shipper:

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My friend, aka the main jandall shipper:

My friend, aka the main jandall shipper:

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So this is the crew basically :)

If you would like to have your own oc, leave a comment down below. Give a name and a profile and tell me which character, (or maybe even a new one^.^ but you have to write a book to put the picture in and tag me in it unless you want me to just choose a pic on my own) and I will shout you out in the next chapter, this "contest" even though its not will go on for one week or until all character are named. At the end of the week I will post all fursonas and Shoutout names. Characters without fursonas made by you guys will be given to them by me. You can enter as many times as you'd like with as many characters as you want and I will definitely use them unless one already has been given a fursona. Hope you'll enter :D

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