Bullies, Gym, and a Kiss?

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Dytto's P.O.V.
Don't let me Don't let me down DON'T LET ME DOWN!
I smack the top of my timer getting up off of my bed and walked into my walk-in-closet trying to find a great outfit until i spot one of my favorites A white lace crop top and some white shorts and white VANS i was feeling like a queen so i started to look through my accessories and found my tiara it was a silver tiara with gold jewels hanging in the middle i laughed and went into the bathroom and took a shower when i got out i wrapped my towel around me and dried myself up and put on my undergarments and put on my outfit i put my old clothes into my hamper and i looked at my hair it was curled up without me doing anything so i left it and i grabbed my tiara and placed it on my head i really didn't own a lot of makeup so i just put on nude lipstick and cat eyeliner and walked downstairs.

I spot my mom and Rowan making breakfast "Hey mom. Hey sis" i said giving my mom a kiss on a cheek "Um Court,?" Rowan said "Hmm?" i said "I'm going to high school!" she said I looked at her surprised "Yassss!" i said i say jumping when i finish squealing i sat down and grabbed a plate of pancakes "Now there two queens at school" i said "Ooh you got another tiara" she said smiling "Of course" i said "But i'm to tired to go upstairs you can go get it though" i said she giggled and ran upstairs i laugh at her sudden excitement and continue eating my pancakes Chachi came down stairs arguing with corey about something "Well lets ask Courtney" she said I look at them "Who is a better dancer me or Chachi" he said with annoyance in his voice.

"Chachi" i said chachi jumped up and down in made a letter L with her index finger and her thumb "LOSER" she yelled and ran over by mom "Hey stepmom" she said and kissed her cheek "Hey stepdaughter" my mom said Chachi stole a pancake from my plate "HEY i stuck up for you" i said she shrugged and ate it Riley comes downstairs "OH MY GOSH IT's 8:00 COME ON" she said grabbing all of us

>>Skips Car Ride<<
I come out of the limo (They're rich) and walked into hel- i mean school i went to my locker which is the closes to my bully soon as soon as i put in my combination the locker slams I turn to see my bully Dylan O'Brien the bell rings i open my locker and took my english book out before he slammed it "You think your quick now?" he said and slaps me then i see my other bullies Marcus, Taylor, Cameron, and Nash I try to run but he caught me by my waist.

This is it i know i'm not ready but i need to defend myself i punch Nash on the jaw i kick Marcus on the leg and i swing a few punches at cameron until he falls down I can't hit Dylan because im not ready yet that why i needed two more weeks all the boys ran away except Dylan i gave him a glare and he laughed I punch him on peck he grabs me and kiss me i look in shock he looks at me again and kisses me again i tried to push him off but i wasn't strong he is putting effort and passion in this kiss i hear chachi gasp i use air quotes and signals so she can push him off me it took at least 2 more minutes for her to recognize what i meant she pushed him off me and i took a breath he walked away and winked.

Chachi smirked at me "No No NO lets just get to class i'm already ready for detention" i said walking into class everyone stares at me i gave all of them a wink and giggled i walked to my desk and sat down "Now that we have Chachi and Courtney here lets start our lesson" Mr. Parrish said (Myles Parrish) "Okay Old Man Jenkins" Marcus yelled only a small group of girls laughed of course they are the biggest group of sluts.

>>Skips classes<<
The last thing we have is gym i walk into the girl's locker room too see the biggest slut in the whole highschool making out with jack gilinsky "GET OUT!" i yelled at jack he looked at me and ran out Vanessa the slut smirks "You're mad because you don't have a boyfriend" she says "What i bet that's not even your boyfriend your probably just his Fbuddy" i said "Look at your hair before you try to make comebacks bitch" she said sashaying out of the room i laugh as a something fall out of her pants i walk up to it and noticed that was her Fbuddy, it was a condom I picked it up.

"HEY HEY YOU FORGOT YOUR CONDOM!" I yelled she looked back and walked up to me snatching it from my hand and ran away i laughed and went by the mirror seeing my reflection i looked Horrid my hair was sprawled across my forehead and my tiara was hidden under it my lipstick was smeared across my cheeks which with nude lipstick is okay but not really its hidden but i still look like a monster. i remove all my makeup and take my tiara off and brushed my hair and grabbed my gym clothes and put them on. I came here early so i can get a headstart on what we was doing.

I went into the gym waiting to be greeted by the gym teacher he was a little sexist so i didn't say hello i walked by the basket hoop and through all the basketballs in the hoop.

The gym teacher looked shocked when he turned his head i stuck up my middle finger he turned around and i quickly put my finger down.

2 minutes later
All the kids came in and we did push-ups not actually us we had to run.

"He's such a sexist" Chachi said i laughed because she is feminine so of course she ran out because the gym teacher made us run again while the boys did chin-ups.

Of course I ran after her when i finally caught up with her we was in the girls locker room, she was getting back into her regular clothes i start to do the same and i put my tiara in my backpack and i redo my makeup because i'd be laughed at if i walked out of school without makeup.

Me and her waited for Rowan and Corey to come but they took so long that I texted them Corey walked out with rowan.

My jaw dropped as I see rowan with bruises all on her arms and legs we got in the car and I needed to know what happened "What happened" i said.

"These boys came out of no where and started kicking me and punching me" she said crying. When i noticed a little scar on her neck i knew who it was thats the same sudden scar i get when the boys bully me it's a mark of what they've done.

I needed to tell Corey because I'm guessing the boys got more tough because when we were at gym they had big guns (Abs) so i don't stand a chance now.

"Um, Corey?" i said "Yeah" he said looking back "I know who did this" i said he looked back once again "Its Marcus, Cameron, Nash, and Dylan" i said looking at Riley. He stopped the car "I'm going to beat their ass" he said with fury in his eyes.

I for one am scared so i wanna see the reaction of the boys faces.

This is nice and long,
Do corey beat them up.
Or do they have the nerve to bully Rowan and Dytto again?
-Aaliyah Xoxo

Song credits: Don't Let Me Down By: Chainsmokers Ft. Daya

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