Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I'm not. I guess I can't believe I'm actually about to close the door on us. He's all that I know."

"He may be but you deserve better. Your a queen and you should be treated as such."

I thought he was about to kiss me again with how close he had moved into me but instead he kissed my cheek and caressed my hand. After we finished up he paid the bill he escorted us out and when his car pulled up he opened my door and he drove me back to my shop.

Once we were here he parked and got out of the car and quickly opened my door. I thanked him with a smile and he escorted me to the door.

"Thank you for lunch, I had a good time."

"I'm glad. Maybe we can do it again or better yet how about dinner just me and you?"

"Like a date," I played dumb and looked up at him.

"Whatever you want it to be."

I hesitated before answering, as bad as I wanted to say no I knew that the more he allowed me in the better chance I had at really gaining his trust, "I would love to but I think it's best if I end things with August, for good you know?"

"And I completely understand that," he seemed completely understanding, "I'll call you."

He leaned in and again kissed my cheek and with a wink he walked to his car and gave me a smile before he got in and I turned around and walked inside and was immediately ambushed by Braeden and Judy.

"You have some explaining to do," Braeden grabbed my arm.


"Don't play dumb. Since when did you and Mace get so comfortable with each other that he's taking you out to lunch and kissing on you?"

"It's not what you think Braeden."

"Your mouth says one thing but were not blind and it looking like something to me," Judy spoke up.

"He's like Fifty," Braeden said to me.

"And fine," Judy smiled, "I'll call him daddy gladly."

"More like grandpa," Braeden looked at me like I was crazy, "What's going on with you and August?"

"Me and August are no more."

"Since when?"

I felt lying to him but I had to and so I did. Back in my office my burner phone rang and I checked my burner phone and I saw a text from August telling me to call him when I could from about fifteen minutes ago. I had some time so I walked out of my office and to one of the empty rooms and called him back.


"You okay?"

"I'm fine," I assured him, "He just popped up out of the blue to take me to lunch. It was nothing major."

"Trust me when I tell you this, everything that Mace does is major. What did ya'll talk about?"

"Small talk mostly then we talked about me and you. He thinks us breaking up is for the best."

"Figures," he scoffed, "Is that all?"

I thought about it and decided to let the cat out of the bag, "He kissed me again but it was on my cheek." "I know, twice," he stated, "You aint got to worry, I ain't mad."

"Good because there's no reason for you to be. Are you still coming over tonight?"

"If I can," he answered and I didn't like his answer at all but I knew that he was busy and that him coming over my place was risky but I was needy when it came to him. I didn't want to leave his side and I couldn't wait until all of this was over so we could stop sneaking around and actually start living in peace.


By the time I got done handling what I needed to handle it was after one in the morning. I was just going to head on home but I decided to stop by Kash's. These days we had to be careful with everything that we did that's why I had spare cars on deck. My car was parked at my place and thats where Mace guys thought I was but in reality I was pulling in to Kash's parking garage to her building.

After checking my surroundings I got out the car and and made my way into her building and once I got to her door I pulled out my keys and let myself in. I had a key to her place and she had a key to mine just in case.

After I let myself in I locked up and checked in on Kaliyah who was fast asleep. Then I made my way to Kash's room who was asleep herself.

I kicked off my shoes and undressed and then walked into her bathroom handled my business and washed my hands and face and brushed my teeth with the spare toothbrush I left over here. Once I was done I walked out the bathroom and when I crawled into bed I noticed that Kash was awake now.

"Did I wake you?"

She nodded her head but I wasn't surprised because she was always a light sleeper.

"My bad."

 She shrugged her shoulders like she didn't seem to mind. She laid her head on my chest and all the stress I was feeling immediately left my body.

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