The move

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"Jessica. dont be late for your flight" my grandmother said

"i wont be nanna" i said grabing my suitcase and heading to the living room

"she started crying when she saw me "jessaca you are all i had left after your mom and dad...." she paused and started crying i ran over to her and hugged her and said' nanna i love you im going to miss you so much ill call your all the time and you can come and visit any time you want" she smiled and kissed my cheek. i grabed my bags and left. the u-haul truck was outside with all my boxes and car they where going to meet me at my apartment when i get to new york city.

after a three hour flight i was finaly in new york. i took the bus to my apartment where i met the u-haul men they took my stuff up to my room aftere i had unlocked the door. after they all left i went to go unpack my stuff my room looked great. i went to go get some pizza and on my way back i bumped in to someone on actadent.

"hi im luke"

"oh hi im jessica"

"what room are you in?" he asked


"oh cool my friends and i are in 204"

"well its nice to meet you but i have to get going"

"oh ok bye" he and i went our sepret ways. around 10:30 there was a knock on the door. i lookees through the peep hole to see that it was luke. i oapend the door and invited him inside. he took a seat on the couch and he and i where talking about all kinda of random stuff, but then things got real

he started asking me about my s** life and if i was in a relasion ship i told him that i was still a virgin and was single.

he got up and sat in front of me and said 'i know we have only known each outer for a little whyle now but i cant hide my feelings from you...Jess i love you will your go out with me?" my heart skipped a beat and i told him that i would. i love luke. he smiled and kissed me. it was around 3:45 brfore he left i went to sleep on the couch shortly after

I will always love you (Luke  Hemmings fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now