A/N - Definitions/Info

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Droma's: Advanced humans with enhanced powers in an alternate reality

Immoral's: Dirty Droma's

Bold Names: Dromas

Bold & Italicized Names: Parallels

Please keep in mind this is the first draft. I know it is going to need to be ripped apart and pieced back together, but please try to give constructive criticism to help me make it the best it can be.

What is Reality Squared?

It really began as a continuing dream I could not seem to shake, and thus, Sahara was born...

The book centers on the stunning protagonist, Sahara Rose/Samantha Ryan. Sahara Rose lives on a planet in the year 2058, a war broke out years ago pitting Droma against Droma. Kill or be killed. She has been able to narrowly escape along with a few others, but time is running out and the Immorals are outnumbering the unaligned Dromas remaining. 

Droma's are a version of Human's with enhanced powers. The alternate reality is set in the year 2058, but post apocalyptic.

Here is the article I used to base my theories on; it has elements of The Many Worlds Theory & The String Theory:


Basically the Many Worlds Theory states for every action or decision you make it splits the universe and creates another parallel/alternate universe. The String Theory suggests that parallel universes do and can exist and interact with one another.

Essentially, the Immorals are attempting to wipe out the unaligned to begin anew. They want the power and they are willing to take it whatever way necessary. By finding access to this alternate reality, the unaligned will gain access to their own Parallel selves. Because everything is enhanced in this alternate reality, traveling there will also enhance the abilities of Samantha or Jerome into what they should be. Matthew has amazing intuition in reality, if he travels to the alternate reality it becomes mind reading like his parallel self, Maddox.

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