Chapter 1

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Well let's get started. My name is Luna Warfield. I'm 16 years old, and go to Silvermoon High School. I live in a small house in Canada, with my mom and big sis. If you're wondering where my father is. He left us when I was three years old, and we haven't heard from him since. My mom says he left us because it got to much for him to handle with to kids and all. What I think? I think he left because of me. He probably thought I was to much to handle, looking like a demon with my natural born white hair and red eyes. I heard my sister talking to mom this one time about some kids at school who had asked her about me. If I had a disease or something. She said she had told them to not ask about that, and go do something else. My sister had started crying, saying that she wish I could just be normal like everyone else. Then no one would bother her about it. Of course she didn't think about how I felt. When I walked on the street with my mom, people looked at me like I was a monster. At school no one wanted to be my friend. I tried, really tried to make friends, but they said I looked to scary. After awhile they realized I wasn't so scary, only looked like it. So I was bullied a lot, and it never stopped.

Well then, here we are, my sixteenth year of a miserable life. Right now I'm in a corner by the cafeteria at our school being bullied by some of the "popular" girls. "How can your hair be naturally white? You have to be bleaching it, right?" That's their leader, Violet. She's the worst of them. The reason, she does it out of pure evil. They say I'm a monster, than what is she? "And your eyes. You have to be using contacts. Right girls?" She looks to her left where Rebecca is standing, "Yeah, that's right. You can't just have red eyes." and then to her right, Holly. "You monster freak!" Violet pushes me hard into the wall. I don't fall cuz I'm pretty used to being pushed down, and I've got good balance. She is about to hit me when the school bell rings. "Saved by the bell. It doesn't matter. We'll meet again tomorrow. Bye for now!" Another normal day for abnormal little me. I laugh a little at that. What probably makes me look even more like a freak, so I stop laughing and start heading home.

My mom doesn't "have time" to pick me up, and my sister doesn't have her driver's license yet, so I have to walk the one hour walk home. Yeah, we live pretty far away, and guess why. I pull my hood over my head and start walking through the city. Maybe I can get something to eat at that café over there. There is a sign on the door saying "Please, take of hat, cap and hood before you step inside". What a stupid rule! And it doesn't help to put please in front. I take of my hood of and step inside the café. Everything becomes silent when they see me. Then they turn around and start whispering. This is normal for me. I'll just take a little bite to eat, then leave. I walk to the counter to order. Behind the counter stands a girl maybe in her twenties, with blonde hair and blue eyes. If I only had looked like that... "What do you want to order?" She tries to smile, but I can see that it's false. I've learned to read people's face and body language through all this years of staring at me. "I'll just have a waffle." No need to be nice to people who think you're a demon. Not that I like to be mean, I just don't like people that much. "Here you go." I can see she's shaking. "Thanks." I take my waffle, and head for the table furthest into a corner. While I'm enjoying my waffle, a guy sits down by my table. He has black hair and blue eyes. Looks like he's maybe 17 or something. I'm not a mind reader. "Your eye and hair color..." "Yeah, I know, I know. It bothers you. I'll leave now." I interrupt him, and start to get up from my seat and walk to the door. "No, wait!" I stop walking and sit down again. Now I'm curious. "It doesn't bother me." Oh, really? "I think you are special to be born with white hair and red eyes. It suits you." I didn't expect that. He looks at me, but not with the normal "you look creepy" look. He looks at me with the most kind eyes I've ever seen. Waait, can it be he's a pervert, who's trying to lure me with him. "Eh, well. Ok, but I really have to go this time. Bye!" I start walking with fast steps out the door of  "the nothing on your head rule" café, and keep walking on my way home to our small house. Thank god, he doesn't follow me. If there is a god out there.

I come to the forest I have known since I learned to walk, a half hour from our house. This has been my favorite place for as long as I can remember. I came here every time I needed to be alone, and still do. I sigh. If only I was normal. Suddenly I hear a rustling noise from behind me. I turn around fast. Nothing. When I turn back around, there is a big black wolf with bright blue eyes, right in front of me. But instead of running I walk closer to it, like I know the wolf standing in front of me. Like it's a part of me. Now I stand right in front of the black wolf. So close I can feel it's breath, and smell it's fur. Then it licks my cheek, and bites down at my shoulder.


Hi, people! I know I was supposed to post this for like a long time ago, but suddenly I just didn't have anything to write. I was even considering if I even should write this. But then it suddenly hit me, and look at this 1022 words, that's not so bad is it? Anyway, I'll try posting one chapter every week, so cheer me on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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