summer day

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Its mid afternoon its in the 80s outside. Its been a hot early summer.
The AC is on. Brian and you dislike the heat. Your both lounging. Hes playing some games your sitting close by watching and messing with your phone games.
"Ha! I caught a pikachu!....look I took a picture." You say

" ah thats cool, babe..... picture?" He returns.

You show him the picture of pikachu you caught on top of the tv. He laughs a bit " you gotta catch em all,right" he says.

After fiddling with you phone deleting emails and going thru notifications you realize you have to put the clothes away you washed.
" Im gonna go put the clean laundry away. Hollar if you need me."
You go to the kitchen pick up the load of clothes you had set on the table and head to the room.
You dump the clothes on the bed to separate. Thats when a kick of laziness hits you. The night before you guys had gone out to drinks and a movie. You were still feeling crappy from the activities. Standing there staring at all the clothes in front of you, you drop on top of it. It smells soo good and warm and soft.

"Ugh..... why am I so lazy right now. " you say out loud. One of the cats jumps on top and snuggles on some shirts.
You open your eyes " I think I drank to much last night." You say to the cat.

"Well you did have a few shots and a beer or 2" Brian says surprising you.
"Babe, this looks like you have everything under control. Whats that pile under the cat?...socks? Shirts?"

You reply " sshhirts....." you let out lazily. You turn to face Q while still on top of the clothes.

"Come on, Ill help you then we can get something to eat and go to bed early. A nap sounds great." He says.

You get up and start to fold and hang clothes. You finish quickly with is help. After the last piece of clothes is put away you change out of you shirt into something more comfy. Brian sits on the bed waiting for you to finish while he figures out what place to get something lite.
He doesnt notice your ready till you reach from behind and hug him around his shoulders. You place a kiss on his neck going up his jaw.

You whisper " macaroons sound awesome about now. " the whisper tickles him as he gently shifts his head.
You move to the other side and rest your chin on his shoulder.

"You should keep this shaved look a while longer." You say as you plant a kiss on his cheek as you pull him backwards unto the bed.

He sets his phone down and catches you before your off the bed and kisses you.
"Alright lets go. Can you grab my sunglasses and check if my wallet is by the keys?" He asks.

 Brian Quinn FicsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang