Introduction and Lesson 1

Start from the beginning

 This knowledge is what I hope to share with you in this book.

 Now that's all very nice, but what you really want to know is if I know the magic formula for success in this crazy business, right?

 Truth is, I don't—because there isn't one.

 But, after seventeen years of practicing medicine, teaching, learning, and a lifetime of storytelling and writing, I can share with you the secrets I've learned.

Many will seem like new twists on old ideas—as they say, there's nothing new under the sun. However, sometimes there are new ways to present ideas, to make them more accessible, easier to incorporate into your everyday writing.

That's what I hope to give you: New ways to think, to create, tools you can use everyday.

Let's dive in!

First of all, my philosophy about writing truly is: No Rules, Just Write!!

Yes, there is homework. I've designed the lessons and assignments so you can do them on your own at your own pace. Plus, as an added bonus, I've taken all the assignments and compiled them into a workbook you can download from the No Rules, Just Write! website’s resource section ( and copy for your own use.

Feel free to print these out so you can work on them as we go through each lesson.

I've also included a collection of TEACHING POINTS throughout the lessons. These represent real-world questions raised by my students and my answers.

We'll be covering a lot of material, so don't worry if you get lost or it's too much to digest in one sitting. I recommend starting a blank notebook to use as you work. Highlight and analyze the concepts, play with them to see what has the most potential to help you with your unique writing style.

I've included a glossary of essential concepts at the end of this book as well as in the workbook found on

If one concept grabs your attention, take the time to master it and save the rest for later. Go at your own pace and enjoy the light bulb moments along the way!

In fact, that's my job. To give you at least one Ah-ha, Eureka!, or light bulb, moment.

When I teach this class as a live presentation, I have a 100% success rate in giving everyone their light bulb moment. When your ah-ha moment strikes, be sure to take a minute to jot it down somewhere in your notes so that you can analyze it later and use it in your future work.

This book isn't about finishing one novel. It's about giving you the tools you need to create a lifetime of completed, compelling novels.

Okay, let's get going!

Lesson One: Three Secrets

Here are the three secrets that lead to success as a writer:

* Know yourself = Why do you write? Where's the passion?

* Know your story = What are you really writing about? What's your vision?

* Know your audience = Who do you write for? How can you best keep your commitment to them?

Passion, Vision, and Commitment

Passion: It's what gets you out of bed in the morning, what excites you, what gives you the energy to push through the hard parts, it keeps you alive…

Vision: It gives you direction, a star to steer by, guides you into tomorrow, gives you a glimpse of the big picture, an idea of what your simple words on the page could mean to someone else, how what we struggle with inside ourselves can help us connect with others, help them to find their own passion and vision by sharing ours…

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