Indigo Child

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Different is usual.
The world is using you for things you've yet to possess.
I refuse and rebel against what people tell me, it's just not applying to me.

No one I know is intellectually capable of understanding what it feels like to be me.
Why so demanding? The mind in expanding,
The vibes on this earth are enchanting.

Everyone is different, like me they may have bad temperaments.
Only when our purpose to others seem unsupported, and uninteresting.

Frustrated by idiocy, troubled by my own curiosity.
The world has changed me in various ways, but it hasn't got to me.
Gave me the yearn to be different, because being the same is like a disease to not feel free.

Being an indigo child can really get wild, some say a myth.
Diagnose us with these conditions, inject us with poisons.
All because we see the world in its rawest form.

Disconnect us from it, so we're no longer here to expose their foul play porn.
Indigo child, you are your own person, with a purpose.
All that is thrown at you half is not even worth it.

Established to do things extraordinary, no where near worthless.
And then the press will try to start shit.
"What's your political views?" Not a question I can answer, just know it's killing this earth like a cancer.

Question us about our purpose, and all our little dreams.
We are put on this earth for many different things.
Living life to its fullest, hoping peace is what we bring.

Ignorant fiends, in the way of our accomplishments.
The ones who aren't in the right mind continue to abuse it.
A gift given, a golden ticket to the world we never lived in.
Wasted with time, all cause they wouldn't "give in."

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