Something nagged at the back of Jack’s mind; he knew that name and it was important. ‘Wasn’t there… Wasn’t there some connection between him and…’

‘Jack the Ripper,’ piped up Hilary. ‘Yes, he painted a portrait of the Ripper’s bedroom. I saw it in a gallery the last time I went up to Town with Mummy and Aunt Maud. Gloomy old thing. Anyway, Jack. Can you teach us this fighting thing that you do?’

‘I hardly think that would be appropriate for young ladies, Hilary,’ said Fanny.

‘Stuff and nonsense, Miss Brampton. I’ve always thought it was one of the only things Emmeline, Helena and their suffragettes have got completely right. I don’t approve of war, but if any man raises a hand in anger to my daughter, I want her to pass it back to him with the arm attached broken in two places.’

‘Have you ever studied a martial art yourself, Lady Charlotte?’ asked Jack, impressed with the sentiment.

‘Not formally, though I did play hockey for my house at Roedean.’ She looked at him and raised a sardonic eyebrow. ‘Our games mistress would have taken on a Roman legion and any man putting his money on the Romans to win would have gone home sadder and wiser for the experience, believe me. I was there with Penelope Creighton-Ward and Lucy Saxon the year we won the Sussex championship and we were formidable. Miss Brampton would have to chaperone, of course, but if you can teach anything practical to the girls, then you have my blessing.’


So later, Jack found himself back on the grass in front of the castle with a class of three clad in bloomers and hockey tops, two of them being spare from Deirdre and consequently big on Hilary and rather tight on Fanny.

‘So, the most common way for a man to start an assault on a woman is for him to take her by the upper right arm with his left hand. He may show her a weapon, such as a knife, which he’ll threaten to use and then hide, or simply drag her away. We’ll look at things like hair grabbing later, but for now,’ he took Deirdre by the arm, ‘What would you do?’

She pulled back, but with little conviction and he responded by pulling her hard against him and putting his thumb against her neck. ‘Try that again and I’ll cut your throat.’ He put his thumb down. ‘Now come with me.’

‘For God’s sake Dee, don’t just stand there. Kick him!’

‘Excellent advice, Hilary.’


Abby stood beside the window and watched. She’d like to be a part of that, just ‘cos it looked like fun, but knew she couldn’t. She was a servant and, however well she got on with Miss Hillary, some things just didn’t happen. She’d also like to be out there to be with Jack, but that also wasn’t happening.


‘So, as you stamp on his foot, swing your hand up and try to flick your fingers into his eyes. It doesn’t matter if you miss, he’ll flinch anyway, so you’ll have a chance to grab his hair or his ear.’


Bridie came up beside her.

‘He’s a nice young lad, so. Not just good looking, but caring. You can see it on him, can’t you?’

She nodded.

‘But he’s not going to be here long and there’s no way of knowing if he’ll ever be back this way.’

‘I know that an’ I’m not going daft over ‘im. But, I dunno, I can talk to ‘im. How many of them can you just talk to, without ‘em trying to get your knickers off?’

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