I was tagged ㄱ-ㄱ

30 0 7

I don't know if this is right, but here you go perpetual-headache

A - Across the Univers, The Beatles
M - Me Without You, Sam Tsui
E - Empty, Winner

K - Kiss Me Slowly, Parachute
I - I Can't Help Falling in Love, Elvis
R - Rokutosei no Yoru, Aimer
A - A Million Pieces, Kyuhyun
M - My Best Friend's Girl, The Cars
I - I Won't Tell a Soul, Charlie Puth

Now thirteen facts...
1) It bugs me that I can't list every song I love. I'm a music freak.
2) I'm a pretty passive person.
3) I don't really like red meat or fast food. It's just not that appealing. I like more plain or sweet foods.
4) I'm a super light weight when it comes to drinking.
5) I'm currently working on loving myself more. Sounds weird, but it's hard.
6) I want to be a successful artist.
7) I plan to get married and have children no matter what.
8) I've always wondered why people have so much beef with Myoue >_> He's never insulted or hurt anyone... really.
9) I also wonder if I really count as a well-known role player. Someone once told me I was.
10) I miss the old days of role playing on here. When it was all fresh and new and I sucked at it.
11) I don't role play a lot anymore, but I can't bring myself to delete my accounts for some reason.
12) I have two cats names Sarge and Mochi.
13) I'm okay with people doing things for me. Lol, I like being pampered.

Okay, I'm done now. I guess I'll tag some people. Sorry if you've already been tagged for this:

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