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(Sup Luke here and welcome to the first chapter, and sorry if there are any mistakes i am using a phone but constructive criticism is welcome.        (Oh yeah religious people may find this offensive because the sentient aspects are the gods of their universe thanks).    (Chris) "In the beginning there was nothing but then there was something and that something  was the universe then there was space and after that was time and the rest is now known as history"                                                         "Well that was a boring story" a child said.                                                             " Well I guess it was alright" another child said enthusiastically.                          (Chris) "well at least somebody likes my story".                                                    "Well when will Mary(the human representation of nature) be here" the first child said.                                            (Chris) "she will be here soon"                 "Good I'm kinda getting sick of you and those boring story's and you talking about d&d" the first child yet again said.                                                               (Chris)"hey you don't have to be so mean well I guess I'm going to go get some fresh air for 2 minutes please stay put) Chris then walked outside and pulled out his phone and texted Mary "OH GOD PLS BE HERE SOON THESE KIDS ARE INSULTING D&D I BARELY MANAGED TO KEEP CALM SO GET HERE BEFORE I GO INSANE".                                                     A couple minutes went by before she replied with "I'll be there in 5 mins ;)". END OF FIRST CHAPTER.                       Author's notes so yeah the reason why it's so short is because I want to see how it does so please comment and tell me if there's anything wrong and I will see ya later.

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