Chapter 2

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A 10 minutes walk is all what Mabel and Dipper needed to reach the town from the area they usually meet up in.

Nervously Dipper held Mabel's hand as she smiled reassuringly to him and said:"Don't worry Dip-Dip ~ it will be fine".

"I know ... I just somehow still think this is a bad idea, should we head back? I mean we can always watch from afar as always" Dipper suggested with a worried look in his face that's when Mabel put both her hands on his shoulder, looked him straight in the eye and said:"Don't worry Dipper everything will be fine, as long as we avoid personal questions and come back home before sunrise then everything will be alright So stop worrying and try to have a little fun Dip-Dip, Okay ?".

"I ... hhhhh Okay, I'll try but promise me you will stick next to me and won't be distract by something as usual".

"As usual?? Dip-Dip I am not that easily distracted as you make me sound like"

"Remember the flower incident, hmmm?".

"That was once only!!".

"Oh okay how about the hiking incident ?".

"Wwww well .. It wasn't that serious".

" Mabel ... We went hunting that day for food in the morning, You totally bailed on us when you got distracted by the mountain wild flowers, saw some handsome hikers, Totally got hooked on there so called hot bodies and started dropping them (Do you like me notes) !! Those hikers were totally confused and started looking for the person who dropped the notes until sunrise !! WE HAD TO HIDE IN A CAVE IN THE HIGHEST POINT IN THE MOUTAIN BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID ! So yeah correct me if I am wrong but I totally think this was SERIOUS".

Mabel was silent for a moment trying to think of a comeback for what Dipper said, for a second she was about to say something but went silent as it looked un convenient to her to say. Instead she grumbled something to herself, grabbed Dippers hand and said:"Let's go".

Dipper smiling while being dragged by her said:"Sure ~".

Sparkling lights and random noise filled their ears and eyes when they entered the city, With their hearts hammering in their chests they were over whelmed with everything around them !.

Mabel smiling widely to her brother said:"Come on !! I wanna show you something ~".

They went to a small grocery shop in a gas station in the southern area of the small town, Mabel smiled and said to Dipper:"That's where I used to work ~ It was so much fun and I got to learn so many things But I stopped going when the nice old couples who owned the place died.. But it was a great experience ~".

"I won't lie I feel a little jealous, Mabel you are so cool for doing this !! I wouldn't even have dared to do something related to what you did let along think of it !!" Said Dipper excitedly while he was looking throw the windows of the small grocery shop "Did you talk to someone though?".

Mabel answered after a moment of thinking :"No .. If we are speaking of a real conversation but I did casually speak with the costumers of the shop like what they wanted and how much they needed to pay, that's pretty much it".

"Well we have to fix that today wont we" Smiling Dipper said and continued saying :"We are going to make the most of this night".


After they walked away from the grocery shop, they walked near a grave yard where a bunch of teenagers were hanging out, Around 5 or 6 were there.

Mabel and Dipper were very excited to see people who are close to their age But also a lot nervous more than the happy feeling they had before. THEY HAVE NEVER TALKED TO ANYONE THERE AGE LET ALONE SOMEONE FOR THAT MATTER.

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