Sirius's P.O.V.

I watched as Skyler and her ex-boyfriend meet up at the end of the Ravenclaw table, and she seemed almost relieved that she had someone else to hang out with. The brilliant Ravenclaw and Skyler went out in fourth year, but they decided to just be friends. Now, as they laughed and talked, I wondered if I pushed Skyler that far away.
"You did a fine job, mate." Remus said from beside me. I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm and watched as they continued to talk about Merlin only knows what.
"Yeah, thanks for reminding me." I said, slightly bitterly. He shrugged my tone off and returned to his lunch which consisted of steak and rolls.
"You were the one who believed Snivellus." James said, watching me watch his sister.
"Last time I checked you believed him, too." I spat, looking over at him.
"Well, we all took the chance to believe her." He spat back. I wanted to leave, but I saw Skyler and Brayden get up to leave, so I stayed sitting down.
"This isn't going to solve anything. We all know that she's going to stay far away from us as long as Sirius is around, so we might as well wait it out." Peter said. I returned my attention to the rest of the Marauders, and I tried to keep my mind off of the beautiful werewolf, but I just couldn't.
"Do you think that Ravenclaw will take her?" I asked after it had nagged at my brain for a good fifteen minutes.
"I don't know, mate. I honestly think it's a possibility. She seems happy around him." Remus said. James looked like he would rather Skyler spend her time with anyone but the Ravenclaw, but he didn't say anything about it.
"I know it's not like me to say this, but I feel bad." I admitted. James nodded.
"You're right. It is unlike you to say that." He said. This time I did get up to leave, but instead of going to the Gryffindor tower, I went to the carriages that were taking students to the wizarding village. I didn't know why, but I just did.

Skyler's P.O.V.

I sat in the carriage with Brayden, waiting for the friendly insults that would inevitably come my way. I thought of some good to shoot back at him.
"So, why did you want to go to Hogsmeade with me, of all people? Or why did I agree?" He asked, humor in his voice.
"I don't know. I guess I just really missed hearing your annoying, high-pitched voice." I said. He rolled his eyes. I held back the laughter that threatened to come bursting out of me with every insult. Seemingly, faster than possible, we made it to Hogsmeade, both of us in a fit of laughter as we got out of the carriage.
"I know something that you don't know..." Brayden said as we were getting chocolate frogs from Honeydukes.
"You, having the brain made of straw, do not know most things that I don't." I said, adding an insult in for fun.
"Says the one who wasn't placed in Ravenclaw, but placed in Hufflepuff." He scoffed. I smacked his arm playfully, and he cringed. What a sissy. I thought to myself.
"I'll have you know, Hufflepuffs are smart, brave, and cunning. Not to mention kind, loyal, and hardworking." I told him proudly.
"Yeah, okay. Anyway, do you wanna know or not." He said. I gave it a small thought before nodding like an idiot.
"Yes, please. I would love to know what I don't. Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure." I teased. He rolled his eyes again as we walked out of Honeydukes and to the Three Broomsticks.
"I'm serious. I think you might even like this." He said as we got our butterbeers. We sat at a table with our butterbeers. I thought about how I couldn't wait until I was old enough for firewhiskey. I had heard great things.
"Tell me now." I whined. I watched as he took a long drink of his butterbeer, only to slosh it down his shirt when I gave him a pinch on the arm.
"Okay, I'll tell you, but only because you're being difficult." He said. I waited for an answer as he cleaned off his shirt. This time I waited patiently for him to finish.
"There is going to be a Hallows Eve Ball." He said, his eyes filling with amusement as I gasped with happiness and surprise. "And it's going to be a costume ball." He said happily. I bounced on the seat, but, not wanting to get my butterbeer on me, I stopped.
"That is really good information to have. How did you get it?" I asked. He gave me a wink that meant he wasn't supposed to know.
"I have my ways. Anyway, it's about a month away, the twenty-ninth of October, and I'm guessing they're going to tell the rest of the students soon." He said, spiking my curiosity.
"Only a month? I didn't know I was in the hospital wing that long." I said. Most of my friends knew that I was in the hospital wing, but they really didn't know why, or at least I'm guessing. He nodded, a little worried that I didn't know how long I was in the wing. I was in there for almost a month.
"Yeah, you didn't know that?" He asked. I sighed, remembering that, just that morning, I had left without hearing a word about my health. I also remember that I must've slept through a full moon.
"I didn't. I left the wing without saying anything to Madam Pomfrey." I said as indifferently as I could. On the inside, I was panicking.
"Oh, well, I'm sure she'll say something about it later. And are we going to uphold the tradition?" He asked. Brayden and I had a tradition that when there was a ball or a party, we went together. When James and I spent a lot of time at Sirius's house, I was always dragged into going to parties with Brayden White. He was a distant cousin of Sirius and Regulus, and we became good friends after being dragged to party after party with each other.
"Of course we are, Bray! Don't be stupid!" I half shouted, getting a few uneasy glances from other people in the pub.
"You seem to have forgotten that someone else might want to go with you." He hummed.
"Who would that be?" I asked.
"As if it's not obvious! Sirius will be asking you in a heart beat." Brayden said with a smirk. I tensed at the mention of Sirius's name.
"I don't think he will. You see there is a rumor going around that I am going out with some Slytherin." I told him. He looked shocked.
"He really believes that git, Snape?" He asked. I gasped, not knowing until now which Slytherin would dare to get on my bad side. Didn't they know that badgers ate snakes?
"Severus Snape is the jerk spreading the rumor?" I asked, just to make sure I had heard him correctly.
"Yeah, I thought you of all people would know that. Seeing as you're normally the first one to beat up the rumor spreader. Then getting detention for a week for it..." He said. It was almost dinner time, and now I had already begun to dig into my chocolate frogs. I was saving those for the next full moon, though.
"Let's go back to the castle." I said in between frogs.
"Sure, and you should really pace yourself with those frogs. You don't want to become bigger that you already are." He said with a smirk.
"Whatever!" I shouted at him. He laughed at me and ran away, knowing that I would chase him. As I ran after him, I got tired. I sat by a tree, only to be spotted by a very guilty looking Sirius Black.
"Hi." I said bitterly. He sat down next to me, and I got up, leaving the tree and the pureblood Marauder.
"Moonsong!" He shouted at me as I left him behind. A carriage that was going back to the castle came by, and I jumped on the back of it. I could still see Sirius's face with a deep frown that could easily match my own.

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