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I kept staring at the door of the cafeteria, waiting for Frosty to stroll in. I kept watching, glancing at the clock every so often to see how long it's taking him. Just as I turned away from the clock and back to the door, I saw her. She hovered in the doorway looking lost, confused and the slightest bit shaken up. She looked around as I hoped that she looks at me and hoped she doesn't. She looked towards the back and perked up, striding away, not once looking my way. Soon after, Frosty walked in, trailed by Mackenzie and Bronx. Mackenzie was trying to get Frosty's attention, probably to yell at him, but he was staring off at Kat's table. I steal a glance over at the table, hoping to see Ali's (?) face. Her back was to me and disappointment flooded my veins.

I turned back to my own table to find Frosty beside me, scowling, Bronx on the other side of him, and Mackenzie cozying herself up against me, flinging her arm around me. Her eyes were wide and lust-filled, trying to win my undivided attention. Just as I was about to tell her to back off, Frosty's voice cut me off.

"I'm going to kill that girl. I will send the zombies after her to assist me with the dirty work. She won't even stand a chance. Sorry, Cole, but this girl has got to go. I don't care how much you like her. She's no more. I hate her with everything I possess," he said, only glancing me way when he said the last part.

"Wait. You like Kat?" Mackenzie interjected before I got the chance to reply. Before I answered, she turned to Frosty, but still keeping her grip on me. "She is such a bitch. I'm in with you Frosty, let's get her."

"Kat is not a bitch. She is my girlfriend. Call her that one more time and I'll unleash the zombies on you," growled Frosty, fixing a look of utter hatred on Mackenzie. Before the two would start a fight, I spoke up for the first time since their arrival.

"Stop you two, now. From what I know, I'm guessing Frosty is talking about the new girl. And Frosty, what were you doing in the hall with Bronx, just now?" I asked, casting my eyes at my crew—and Ali, back still to me—in turn. "I ran into Dr. Wright before I got here, and according to her, you were 'manhandling Miss Bell.' Care to explain?"

"You told me to get information on the girl. So I did. Me and Bronx were just doing some escorting."

"Why do you want to know about Alley Kat's new toy?" Asked Mackenzie, giving me a curious look.

"You didn't tell her? Listen up, this is a treat," said Frosty as the rest of our group showed up.

"Tell what?" Mackenzie's voice was dripping with poison and I was slightly concerned of what will happen after what I was about to tell. Despite the consequences, I told everyone what went down that morning in the hall. I kept my eyes locked on Ali as I spoke, not wanting to look into any of the eyes of my friends. After a few moments, she turned and met my eyes. We stared at each other for a few moments, and I kept expecting the morning's happening to reoccur. But it didn't. And yet I didn't want to accept that as a good thing. I had finished speaking and we still had our eyes locked, but soon after her face turned into a glare. Looking sidelong beside me, I saw Mackenzie's matching look targeted on Ali.

"Let me teach her," she growled, tightening her arm once again. "Just a little lesson. Please."

The table erupted into a chorus of negative remarks towards the situation.

"Frosty, what did you learn? And maybe from your discoveries we'll understand why you want to murder her all of a sudden," I said wishing this conversation—day—would end.

"Not very much," he sullenly replied. "Her name is Ali. And judging by Dr. Wright's comment, to both of us, her last name is Bell. So, Ali Bell. Doesn't sound real to me. But, whatever. The only other thing we learned from her is that she met Kat over the summer at a place where there was a lot of people, screaming, writhing, and lots of touching."

"Hmm, Ali Bell. I might just have to kill you to keep you from screwing with my boys," said Mackenzie, a hint of glee in her voice.

"So, why do you want to murder her now? You had one conversation with her and all of a sudden she's on your hit-list," I commented to Frosty, tuning out Mackenzie. I finally ducked out of her arm, but was met with her green eyes, hurt and full of hatred.

"She refused to tell me what happened at this place. She may be hot, but she is a cruel girl. Again, my warning, stay away from her. But what are you going to do? I asked around, and everyone says that they've never heard of her or that she's just the new girl. And, to be honest, I no longer think she's a slayer. Ali is like a china doll. One tap and you shatter the whole piece."

"I'll figure something out," I ground out staring back at Kat's table. Justin Silverstone was leaning over Ali's shoulder, whispering in her ear. When he straightened he turned and walked away from the table. And right into my line of vision. I glared the hell out the guy. Cursing the day I ever met him and decided to trust him. He could've gotten all of us killed that night. He walked past me and I wished I could have killed him right then and there. Make up for the loss of Ducky and Boots. Make him regret talking to Ali. Taught him that Ali is mine, no matter who or what she is. What people think of her, or me. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw everyone at her table turn towards the path of Justin's departure, the same place I was scowling at. Ali's eyes widened fractionally, barely noticeable. She looked over at my face, but I refused to return the look, I was too busying burning Justin Silverstone in his place.

Whoever you are Ali Bell, you are mine. I will discover all your secrets, every last one of them. Deceive me and you'll regret ever living. I will succeed in making our dreams reality.

Cole Inquiring--Wondering--About AliWhere stories live. Discover now